Chapter 4- The Slytherins Revenge

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James woke up the next morning feeling tired. Sirius was still fast asleep and Remus was wide awake reading a book.

"Do you ever do anything other than reading?" James asked Remus getting up out of bed.

"Unfortunately I do," Remus answered closing his book and getting up.

"Do we bother waking him?" James asked pointing at Sirius who was half hanging off his bed still sleeping. 

"I suppose," Remus said and went over to Sirius' bed. "Pads! Wake up!"

"Why" Sirius whined not moving. 

"Because we want breakfast," James said. 

"Ugh fine just give me five more minutes," Sirius said.

"No get up and get dressed!" Remus said throwing Sirius' clothes in his bed. James dragged Sirius out of his bed and stood him up while Remus grabbed his clothes off the bed and put them in Sirius' hands. "Now!"

Sirius got dressed slowly as to piss off Remus for waking him up and followed the three out of the dormitory.

"Where are they?" Bella asked while trying to see who was entering the great hall.

"I don't know," Narcissa said spreading jam onto her toast.

"We can't wait around all day," Lucius said cutting his bacon. The group of Slytherins continued staring at the door waiting for the marauders. When finally they heard them coming. They eagerly sat, eyes glued to the Entrance door waiting to see if it was going to work.

"Pads, stop jumping around the place," Remus said while walking to the great hall. "You were tired not to long ago."

"True but now I'm wide awake,"

"I blame you Prongs,"

"I'll take it," James said while fixing his glasses on his face.

Remus was first to walk through the great hall. Sirius followed and then James. First, Remus' hair turned neon green and became all poufy. The Sirius' hair turned neon pink and grew longer and longer until it touched the ground. And then James' skin turned neon yellow and began to blister. The hall burst into laughter. James looked over at the Slytherins and saw them all high fiving Regulus.

"It was Regulus..." James muttered to Sirius. Sirius' head snapped over to the Slytherin table and he glared at Regulus and Regulus saw this and stopped laughing and went silent.

"Regulus Black I am going to kill you!" Sirius began to shout. The hall began to lay it's stare on Regulus and the Slytherins. Right before Sirius was going to run over to the Slytherins, Professor McGonagall walked up to the boys.

"You three never stop!"

"This clearly wasn't us professor!" Remus said looking at the state of his hair.

"No but this is what you've started," She said taking out her wand. "Scourgify!"

Remus' hair turned back normal and Sirius' hair grew back short and turned back normal and James' skin went back to normal but it was still all blistered.

"Potter, go to the hospital wing"

James glared at Regulus and stormed off. Sirius followed and Remus went to grab toast for them all and followed after. The hall rose into chatter after Remus left. 

James didn't go to the hospital wing but went to the Marauders tree. He slumped down beside Sirius and poured water all over his arms. The fresh breeze was nice against his face. Remus joined them after and handed them some toast which they all slowly ate even though they were hungry.

"I hate your brother..." James muttered still biting on his toast. 

"Me too!" Sirius was raging with Regulus. "I'll kill him."

"Guys, calm down. It's revenge for what you guys did to them," Remus said slamming his book shut. The three sat in silence after that and only got up when Sirius got bored.

"That was the best breakfast ever!" Bella said as they walked back into the common room.

"It really was!" Lucius said laughing. They all sat in front of the fire and had a chat but only Regulus was quiet and only Bella and Narcissa seemed to notice. He got up and walked over to the stairs and the two girls followed.

"What's up?"

"I like James Potter!"

"Oh wow I wasn't expecting that," Bella said looking down at her little cousin. Narcissa gave him a big hug.

"I'm proud of you and glad you came to a decision."

"Yeah same!" Bella said hugging him as well.

"Please don't tell anyone and especially not Sirius,"

"We don't talk to him so it's ok,"

"Andy does though so please don't tell her,"

The girls looked at each other not liking the sound of keeping something from their sister but they promised not to and they kept their word.

"We have to get them back!" Sirius demanded. James nodded in agreement.

"If you do they'll prank you back and this prank war will go on forever," Remus said not looking up from his book.

"No one pranks the Marauders and gets away with it," James said staring at him with doubt. 

"What ever..." Remus muttered closing his book and getting up. "I'm gonna go to the library to study with Lily and Regulus."

"Excuse me!?" Sirius said looking outraged with Remus. 

"You heard me," Remus answered and started to walk off. Sirius turned to James.

"He's going to see Reg after what happened today!"

"I know I heard him," James said turning back to Sirius. 

"How dare he?!" Sirius continued giving out about Remus while James fell into his own thoughts. Seeing Regulus laughing like that seemed to put and smile to James' face. Wait! Was he smiling about his bestfriends little brother? 

"James!" Sirius shouted and James shot his head over to Sirius.

"How dare you!" 

"You wouldn't answer to Prongs,"

"I was in my thoughts,"

"Clearly," Sirius said. "About what anyway?"

James started to panic. "Um quidditch!"

"Oh did I tell you Reg is the Slytherin teams seeker and I didn't even get onto the team,"

"You missed tryouts at the beginning of the year for one and we don't have any vacant spots on the team."

"Well kick someone off the team,"

"I'm not gonna kick someone off the team so you can be on it,"

"Why not?" 

"Just try out next year,"

"Fine." Sirius sighed and lay back down on the sofa. "How are we gonna get them back?

"We could charm there uniforms a different color?"


Their quills began scratching against their parchment and neither of them were speaking.

"Done!" Sirius sighed. "We'll do it tonight!"

"Do what tonight?" came a sudden voice from behind them.

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