°●•◇•●° Chapter 24: Karma °●•◇•●°

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Yukiko was going on a mission for a week. She already told the kids. Now it was time to say goodbye to her husband before she departs.
She woke him up early, right before her departure.
"Darling, I have to go to Yakahama this time for a week. Then I wanted to take a week or two off to go to a vacation with you and the kids. What do you think?" She kissed her sleepy husband.
"No problem, I will take some time off as well then. Okinawa would be nice to visit." He pulled her closer to him.
"Good plan. By the way, before I forget. I got you something for your birthday." She knew it was already a month since the time, but she couldn't see him for months herself.
"Mine is in that drawer. Open it when you come back from your business trip." He said, quietly trying to open the present in order to not wake the kids up next door.
In a neatly packaged box, there was a weapon. Not an ordinary one to say the least.
A dagger with a jitte-shaped blade. It has a "q" shaped circular hand guard that points out on the side of the longer blade. Toji instantly recognised the weapon.
"The Inverted Spear of Heaven, huh?" He smirked and looked at his wife with a content face.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it. This will greatly help the mission I told you about. We will finally pay off that mortgage and live comfortably." He said and kissed his wife.
They were perfectly in sync with each other. Toji's hand sneaked up under Yukiko's shirt and she pulled back, sensing the atmosphere.
"No, I need to be at the airport in 40. There isn't enough time and kids are home. Instead, I will wait for you after your mission." She said, standing up from his lap.
"Okay then. Return back safely, Yuki-chan." He said and escorted her until the door. She gave him a last kiss, before she left and he closed the door after her for the last time.

"We were told to transfer the rest of the unused money to you, in case of an emergency. Did you receive it?" Someone called her and when she checked her phone, she got a notification that she received 25 million yen.
"What's this? Why are you sending this to me?" A nervous feeling was eating away at Yukiko.
"We didn't hear from Fushiguro-san after receiving the body. He told us that we would personally get the money, but in case of an emergency to send it to you." The voice from the other side was heard.
"Does that mean that you haven't heard from him since?" She was a nervous wreck at this point.
"What was the last time you met him?" She desperately asked the person.
"A day ago." the man replied, filling her with dread. She hung up the phone.
She knew that he would have returned by now. If he didn't that means that he most likely is...
"But I probably wouldn't even be able to find his body..." She said and completely broke down on the kitchen floor.
After some time, she started to deny that he would be dead and ran out of the house barefoot, trying to find him passed out drunk in a bar or something. She ran through the busy streets, parks and bars, but to no avail.
"No, no, no, no, no... you can't die on me, Toji-kun." She fell to her knees, wailing due to the terrible fate of her husband. She was even more distraught, knowing that she wouldn't even be able to retrieve his body, give him a last look and say goodbye. At that moment, she started to remember all of the memories they shared together, starting from their first meeting, down to the last kiss they shared. It was already late at night. She dragged her feet and finally was in her home. Tears just kept falling, though she felt completely numb. No words could describe how much she missed Toji.
When she saw the kitchen, her mind was once again flooded with memories and she fell to her bloody knees once again.
Upon hearing the noise, the kids rushed out. They saw her in complete despair. Yukiko has never shown herself weak or sad in front of her kids, so it was the first time they saw her in that state.
They embraced her and kept asking what happened.
"Nothing happened." She said and stood up, completely on autopilot.
She went to their shared bedroom and told the kids to go to sleep as well.
After that, she remembered him saying something about her birthday present.
The woman opened up the drawer and saw a neatly packaged box.
She started to tremble, but desperately tried to keep quiet to not wake the kids up again. Her shaky hands quietly opened the packaging, revealing a velvet box.
She opened it and saw two simple diamond rings.
A small smile crept up her features and she imagine him proposing.
"Dummy, we are already married." She said quietly.
"I guess you wanted a proper wedding too. Well, it's not proper, but what was proper in our relationship?" She asked no one in particular bitterly.
"Zennin Toji. You are the most caring, thoughtful person I know. You are my best friend, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, but I guess life had its own plans.
They say a life lived in love will never be dull, and since I met you 7 years ago truer words have never been spoken. You are my one and only savior.
You gave me freedom and you have made me feel more loved than I ever thought possible. You gave me Megumi and I will always be grateful for him.
Today, I vow to give you all that I am, will be and all that I have left. I promise to give you my heart, my faith, my life.
I chose you 7 years ago. I choose you today. And I would choose you again tomorrow. I would go on choosing you the day after, and every day for the rest of my life. You are my once-in-a-lifetime. I love you and I too will always carry you in my heart." Tears fell, as her voice started to tremble.
"In the name of God... I... Gojo Yukiko, take you, Zennin Toji, to be my husband, to have and to hold you, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish... until... no... beyond life and death..." the woman wiped her tears with her kimono sleeve.
"I cannot die right now... Megumi is too young, but until the time comes... please wait for me a little longer... and look over our son..." She said and put the ring on.
"I wish I could kiss you one more time." She said and finally passed out on the tatami floor under her.

A/N: Leave votes and comments ples♡

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