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"I seriously cannot believe that you're 22," Jin scoffed at the thought. "I remember when you were just 14,"

"Time flies far too quick," Namjoon agreed, nodding his head.

The birthday girl herself was sat on the floor, in front of the tea table, awating her cake and presents that the boys had prepared for her.

"Please," She groaned. "Do not share any more stories of how you guys practically raised me and Jungkook,"

The boy mentioned scowled from where he was sitting. "I didn't even say anything,"

There was no lie in what she had said. 

From the moment that all the three other female trainees had left Big Hit, the members had been raising Juhee as their own. It was Jin and Yoongi who had packed her lunchbox for school, Hoseok who had stayed up with her nearly every night to practice their dance, Namjoon who had always made sure that she was okay, Taehyung and Jimin who had kept her company whilst she had still been living on her own in the female dorms before she'd moved in. 

It was the same for Jungkook too. Both of them had been taken cared of by the older members, something that Juhee would never be able to thank them enough for or ever forget. Even now, whenever they would meet, her parents would thank the boys over and over for taking care of their daughter since she had been 14. 

"Alright, presents first, or the cake?" Taehyung asked, already pulling his gift forward.

"Presents," The Hwang girl said. "We can do the cake after,"

"Mine first then," Taehyung beamed as he passed her the large parcel.

Slowly, carefully, she unwrapped the box, opening it before letting out a small gasp. He had gifted her with a jumper from one of his favourite brands, Gucci. The soft cashmere felt like pure wool in her hands as she leapt to hug the older boy. "Thank you so much, hyung!"

"The best for my little sister,"

Jin had went forward next, giving her a series of perfume sets from her preferred brand. Namjoon had bought her a limted edition of a book series that she adored. Yoongi had gotten her new studio headphones and Hoseok a new synth kit for Hwang Base (Sope knew her so well). Jimin had gifted her a basket full of her favourite chocolates and sweets with make-up and face-masks and soft toys which had made her eager, excited to try everything out.

"JK!" Hoseok grinned. "You're the last one, what did you get Juhee?"

Tentatively, the youngest pulled out a small box which had been tied with a bow. 

As she undid the knot and opened the lid, Juhee's jaw dropped at the gleaming piece of jewellry inside.

Jungkook had gifted her a Dior ring.

"It's a matching set," He spoke, bringing the attention towards him as he raised his left hand. "I have one too,"

The Jeon boy scratched his neck, cheeks slightly pink as he continued. "You and me were in the same boat when we were younger, and we relied on each other, you may be one year older than me noona, but I've always protected you, the ring's a promise that I'll keep on doing just that," He looked up at her, his bunny smile already on his face. "Best friends,"

Juhee threw her arms around him, pressing him into a tight hug. "Idiot, we're family,"

At there interaction, the rest of the members all joined in, a tangle of limbs and a mess, yet laughter rang through the dormitory.

"Now the cake!" Jimin yelled as he and Yoongi disappeared into the kitchen before bringing out a gorgeous cake as Namjoon dimmed the lights.

The candles were lit and soon they were all singing happy birthday to her.

"Make a wish," Taehyung urged the younger girl.

Juhee shut her eyes. 

I wish I never lose these boys.

Family wasn't always blood.

juhee's birthday cake

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juhee's birthday cake.


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ARMY!! thank you for all of your birthday wishes! i hope that turning 22 will be a great year for me and i promise to work even harder and better than now. 

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