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Juhee groaned into her pillow, her head splitting as she heard the other members walk around the door, their voices not that particularly loud, yet to her, it felt as though someone was banging a drum on repeat.

She buried herself beneath the covers once more, shivering, shaking.

"Juhee!" Hoseok's joyful voice entered her room, and she felt his shadow over her. "It's nearly ten, time to get up!"

At the Hwang girl's lack of response, he gently pried a part of tehe duvet off of her. "You okay, Juhee?"

"I feel... really ill,"The younger girl whispered, barely able to lift her head.

The Jung boy placed his palm on her forehead, frowning at the temperature of her body. "You're really warm, I'll get Jin hyung,"

He walked out before coming back in a few moments later, the oldest of the group besides him, carrying a thermometer.

"Open up, Juhee," Jin instructed, placing the thermometer in her mouth as she leaned against Hoseok for support. 

It took a few moments until the device made a little sound, indicating that it had read her temperature.

"Fever," Jin muttered. "Right, go into the bathroom and do your morning routine before coming onto the sofa. I'll make you some food,"

It took her a little while in the bathroom, most of which was stopping herself from collapsing, but Juhee had managed to do her morning routine before practically throwing herself onto the couch.

"I heard you're sick," Jimin perched beside her, brows furrowed, her hand in his.

"I'm so tired," Juhee mumbled. "I can barely stand,"

"Did you walk home in the rain last night?" Namjoon questioned the younger girl, who gave him an awkward smile. "Dummy," He muttered but his smile was soft.

"I forgot my umbrella, and I couldn't find anyone in the building," Juhee tried before wincing at the amount of energy it took to speak.

"Enough talking, more eating," Jin waved his hands at the boys, placing jook and a bowl of kongnamulguk on the tea table. "Now, eat,"

Being sick in the BTS dorm was always a mess, but what Juhee did love about it was the unlimited amount of affection and care that she received from each of the members, and the food made.

It wasn't that bad being sick.

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