Epilogue: Part - 3: The Seduction

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Well hello there folks! I am so sorry it took so long, but y'know, I'm justified about it.

I lost all my stories that was stored on my laptop. I was transferring everything from my old laptop to my new one, and my one file that had every single story I had ever written in my goddamn life got lost somewhere. Could never find it again, and I went into mourning lol. So I had to rewrite this entire chapter from scratch (I had almost finished it in August and it got deleted, fml honestly).

Anyways, work started after that and I was swamped. I don't know how I can ever do the 9-5 job and have extra-curriculars, honestly I'm exhausted. But hey, I got a winter break and managed to scrounge this chapter up.

So I thought, let's end this year in a bang. Let's finish the story I had been working on for years on the last day of 2022. And we're here, baby.

The end of an era for one of my most thought-out stories, and I'm glad you've stuck with me. I'm glad I have such supportive readers, and I love you all.

I'm not sure if I feel like exploring their futures, but hey, since there are new movies and shows coming out in the Avatar Universe, they might just bring back my love to write these again.

So for now, I will say goodbye, I love you, and there is a shit-ton of smut in this at the end, and it is EXPLICIT, so please, be warned. I only wish I wrote more smut lol, but I think this is a good finale. I hope Wattpad doesn't flag this lol.

Enjoy, and Happy New Year, here's to hoping it's better than this trash of a year.



(Y/n) wakes up warm. There are arms wrapped around her, Sokka's firm body pressed along her back and legs, and his face is snuggled against her neck.

A smile finds its way on her lips.

Until she feels his hips press against her legs tightly, and there's something poking against her ass.

(Y/n)'s face heats up as she squirms in his arms. A part of her wants to stay in bed, shimmy close to him, let him wake up like this.

She scolds herself and gets out of the bed, putting her pillow in his arms that he easily curls around and snores into. She takes her time in the washroom and then grabs a little snack before leaving for work.

The palace is quiet this early in the morning, so her stroll through the hallway to get to the training grounds is peaceful, only dotting by the few chittering servants hauling laundry or trays of food.

The back of her neck spikes up in heat, and she dodges just as a hand strikes where her back would have been. (Y/n) whirls around and scowls at a grinning Ty Lee.

"Well, good morning, (Y/n)," Ty Lee chirps, falling into step with her.

"You really have to stop trying to jump-scare me."

"That's not happening."

(Y/n) tolerates Ty Lee these days. They have fun sparring matches, but it always irks her how much Ty Lee likes to flirt with Sokka, and Sokka himself flirts back playfully. It's their relationship really, and (Y/n) wouldn't mind it.

That is, if Ty Lee would stop doing it to get a rise out of her. She always grins that evil little smile when she chats with Sokka.

"What have you been up to these days?" (Y/n) asks. "Who have you spied on so far?"

"Let's see." Ty Lee ticks off her fingers. "Zuko is still sighing over Mai. She's been travelling too long, and he keeps sending her falcons. She isn't returning them because my guess is: she doesn't want him to know she likes his clinginess. The Ozai Society is getting a little daring, so I'm planning to build a little team with Sokka to take them down. Oh, and there have been more betrothal letters."

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