Epilogue: Part -2: The Desires

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Part 2, my loves. 

I'm glad y'all enjoyed the previous part, I was pretty nervous about it, and I'm even more nervous about this one because well... there's a bit of horny stuff going on. It's pretty tame, but yeah, more to come lol. 



The next day is one of the most pleasant in her life.

(Y/n) wakes up before dawn and takes a few minutes to look at Sokka—his snoring face and all, and lets her fingers brush his brown hair away from his face before she gets ready for the day.

(Y/n) is at the palace at dawn and spends the free hour she has in the meditation garden.

When she has to go to the training grounds, she finds her students there and begin teaching them the basics of chi-blocking. When training is over, everyone is panting, some are cringing from muscles that have been stretched too much—they aren't as flexible, she has to keep in mind next time—and she instructs that tomorrow, she expects everyone back at dawn for meditation with her.

When a few warriors grumble, (Y/n) makes them do push-ups.

Zuko popped in once to watch over them with a few courtesans, and (Y/n) felt a little self-conscious, but then saw Sokka nearby, watching everything with a sharp hawk's eye, and took comfort in the fact that if she plays her hand right, she can get blackmail about the courtesans from him.

Suki is one of the warriors she taught, and (Y/n) purposely made her and Annaisha spar several times. Suki hasn't stop glaring at (Y/n), and Annaisha looks like she's wondering what she did wrong to make Suki glare.

While warriors disperse for the day, Annaisha quietly approaches (Y/n), smiling gentle and sweet. "Shifu (Y/n)—"

"Just (Y/n)," she replies. "We were friends first, plus training is over. How is it being a Kyoshi Warrior?"

Annaisha blushes furiously. "It's really hard. I really want to learn to fight. You know why."

"You'll get there," (Y/n) says, clapping her shoulder and taking her to the water fountain. They sip from it. "You've barely been here two weeks, but within a year, you'll be really good at fighting. Don't overthink it."

"Speaking of overthinking," Annaisha says, and leans closer to whisper. "Have I don't something wrong? Especially to Shifu Suki? I feel like she's always angry at me and I don't know what I did."

(Y/n) bites back a laugh. Suki is such a disaster. "You haven't done anything wrong, trust me. She really likes you and—"

"Really?" Annaisha cuts in excitedly, gripping (Y/n)'s arm. "I—I mean... she doesn't seem to show it."

"Give it time; she'll come around." (Y/n) finds Suki staring at them with panic in her eyes, and (Y/n) only smirks. "I'm done for today, and I was thinking of catching up with you. Want to go for lunch out?"

Annaisha eagerly agrees, and they go for lunch, to which Suki seems like the end of the world is upon her, and (Y/n) lets her stew in what she thinks (Y/n) would tell Annaisha.

The day ends quicker than she realizes, and when she comes home, she finds a nice little change in the living room.

There is a purple blanket on the couch—it's the same blanket (Y/n) had throughout her travels, and it looks cleaned. On the shelf of mementos is the small banjo she had picked up from travelling with nomads for a short amount of time.

Sokka unpacked for her, and it makes her feel instantly welcomed. The man himself is sitting at his little office, reading scrolls, and making notes. He looks up and has a small smile pulling at his lips. "Had a fun day?"

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