Book 3: Chapter 5: Werewolves, Vampires, and Bloodbenders

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This chapter... I did not know where I was going with this one, ngl. Past Me thought it was okay to skip writing a few sections of this fic, and Present Me was stuck on those parts for over a week. In other news, I got more assignments yaaaaay-no. They're so boring, I just wanna chuck my laptop at the wall. I hope you're all doing good! Just wanna thank y'all for being so patient with me!


The waxing moon hovers in the night sky, almost full, and they have taken cover and made camp in a cave broken into the single, large mountain, where it overlooks a field of red flowers. Appa naps in the mouth of cave, and they have built a fire outside it, underneath a tall, twisted tree.

And it's scary. This is the kind of forest people get attacked in by strange creatures.

Which... put Sokka in a mood. Sokka loves reading the mood of a day and playing to it accordingly. And now, he found it the perfect time to begin horror stories in the dark in the middle of McFucking Nowhere.

And although she shivered at the thought of the man with the sword for a hand — which sounds like a scarier rip-off version of Edward Scissorhands, she wouldn't say that because she didn't want to break Sokka's heart like that.

She wanted to crush him.

(Y/n)'s eyes gleamed wickedly under the torchlight. "Where I come from, we have things called werewolves."

Aang purses his lips. "That doesn't sound too bad."

She snaps to him, moving so quick he squeaks when her face is an inch from his as she growls, "But it is. You see, many campers who wander into forests on the night of the full moon—" she points upwards. "—like that moon! They will hear howls. It shudders into their bones and deafens them, but when it putters out, they know they have made a mistake entering the forest."

Sokka boos. "Boring!"

(Y/n) flashes the light in his eyes and he falls backwards with a shriek. "I'm not finished! You see, it's less scary when the werewolves howl. That's just a call for other werewolves. But when everything is silent... no birds... no animals scuttling around... not even a bug to be heard... and the only thing you can hear is your heartbeat, that means they're here."

Katara muffles a sound, huffing out a breath as she discreetly looks around.

"And you wait there. In the dark, not even daring to breathe because you know they are watching you, hidden in the darkness. But they're there. They're always there. And when you finally gather your courage to turn around, BAM!" She claps her hands and they all flinch, Toph throwing up dirt. "Two glowing red eyes is the last thing you see before it bites you."

"So... like every other animal?"

(Y/n) sucks in a breath. "A werewolf isn't an animal. If you die from the bite, that's the end. But if the bite heals, very quickly... then you're one of them. You're a werewolf, cursed to roam in that beastly form every full moon, not knowing whether you kill someone you love in that single night."

Aang lets out a breath. "They're human and wolf?" His eyes grow fearfully wide. "And people—people are that in your world? How... how are you alive..."

(Y/n) fights back a grin as she whispers, "That's not even the worst. One of the deadliest creatures of the night is a vampire. They live among you, might be your family or a friend and you'd never know."

Sokka looks pale. "What are vampires?"

"THEY SUCK YOUR BLOOD!" She shrieks, flailing her arms and making her friends scream. It echoes into the deep of the forest. "They are called the undead because they are alive but their heart doesn't beat, and they will hypnotize you with their eyes, bite into your neck and suck you dry, until you're nothing but a pile of saggy flesh and bones!"

Book 3: Fire (Sokka Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant