Book 3: Chapter 6: Good Nights and Bad Nights

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I am overwhelmed for zero reason. I don't think I like March very much, I think it brings up the beginning of the lockdown days and I'm still in lockdown and... nothing has changed. Or got worse, I dunno. I think I just miss going to the gym. 

I hope you enjoy this short chapter!


Sokka looks at the map, visibly pleased. "This is it – the official rendezvous point for the invasion force."

The island is lush with green mountains and fields filled with dots of Koala-sheep scattering around and munching on grass.

Where they sit, beyond them a couple hundred metres is a harbour, secluded and tucked between the cliffs. Water crashes against the rocks, muffled and repetitive. At night, the stars twinkle above them, and the moon is at a crescent, looking over the sea and rippling soft light over the waves.

(Y/n) has decided to do a last-minute night meditation before sleep, and so she's further away from the others, legs crossed and eyes closed as she focuses on her chakras, but it doesn't stop her from hearing the travelling voices of her friends' conversation.

"How did you pick this place?" Toph asks, legs spread on the grassy floor.

Sokka rolls up his map. "Before we split up, my dad and I found this island on a map. It's uninhabited, and the harbour surrounded by cliffs seemed like the perfect secluded place."

Katara unrolls her bed and sends her brother an impressed look. "Nice choice, Sokka. And we're here four days ahead of schedule."

Aang squeaks, shooting out of bed, high into the air, and the poor boy looks horrified. "Wait! The invasion's in four days!"

Sokka yawns, stretching his arms before cuddling them under him. "Whatever. That's like... Four days from now. Let's just calm down, and ..." He's already asleep as an obnoxious snore leaves him.

Katara purses her lips, trying to be comforting. "Sokka's got the right idea Aang. We're here, we're ready...the best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest."

Aang looks around frantically, before spotting (Y/n), and he dashes over to her, panicked. (Y/n), who has already given up meditation knowing Aang is there by his soft footsteps, smiles at him. "(Y/n)?" He whispers.

(Y/n) pats the ground beside her and Aang drops down, tucking his legs under him and pressing himself to her. She instantly wraps an arm around him. "Stressed?"

"... Scared," he replies softly, his voice a tremor. "The invasion is in four days."

Oh, she knows. It's fucking her up already because that's another huge step in an unknown direction. She doesn't know her role yet, and she sure as fuck doesn't want anything to do with Azula, because last time went completely sideways.

"It's okay to be scared," (Y/n) says, "I'm always scared when we face anyone, but you guys make it better for me; makes it easier to face the danger."

Aang looks up, his grey eyes wide and fearful. "I know what I promised last time, but I need to know, (Y/n). Will—will we defeat the Firelord? Will I survive?"

Her heart breaks. "Aang..." she looks away, unable to look him in the eye and tell him that she just can't. "You know I can't say anything. I really wish I could, buddy."

"Do I have to kill him?"

Fuck. "That's a question that will be answered soon," (Y/n) murmurs. "Listen, all you need to do is your best, okay? Just know that if any of you were at risk, I would make sure that doesn't happen."

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