Book 3: Chapter 7: All Aboard For The Invasion (Part 1)

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I am so fucking sorry omg I was supposed to update this 3 days ago but my memory is shit, honestly.

I have MORE assignments and then exams in May, so please be patient I swear I am finishing this! I am always writing bits of the epilogue along with book 3 chapters which hehe I'm pretty sure you guys will like but I am hoping to finish this by June to July at the latest.

I hope youre all doing well rn!!

This is a pretty boring chapter in my standards, but the invasion was overall pretty boring too, but what comes after is way better I think. 


The next morning is a flurry of activities to prepare for the invasion. Sokka dons his Water Tribe gear, with armour and a fur pelt over his shoulders that (Y/n) can admit, makes him look like he can push her against a wall and kiss the life out of her. Katara herself has replaced the Fire nation outfit with her blue clothes and wrist guards, as well as filled her canteen with water and she ties her blue necklace proudly once more.

Aang has reverted to his Air Nation clothes and Toph in her green outfit, but (Y/n), after continuously burning or tearing her outfits, sticks with her Fire Nation one. Maybe it'll be good undercover clothes.

Aang is thankfully prepped and ready today as he greets Momo, who scurries up his arm. "Top of the morning, Momo!"

Katara smiles. "Sounds like you slept well."

"Like a baby mooselion. I'm ready—" he leaps into an attacking position. "—to face the Fire Lord."

Toph tilts her head. "So, what's your strategy for taking him down? Going to get your glow on and hit him with a little Avatar State action?"

Aang's smile falls. He rubs his arm. "When Azula shot me with lightning, my 7th chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the Universe."

"You know what I just? Heard blah-blah spiritual mumbo jumbo blah-blah something about Space."

(Y/n) scowls, crossing her arms. "I'll have you know that unlocking the last chakra is the hardest thing to do. A majority of people fail to do so because they can never let go of everything they truly love, and I find that—"

Toph boos. "Why can't both exist?"

"Because it requires emotional distancing; being the person who makes the difficult decisions."

They grow quiet. "Have you achieved the last chakra?" Katara asks, brows furrowed.

There's a flash of something, barely there, but it's clear and heart-breaking.

Her mind keeps shifting to a girl, no, Maya, touching her shoulder tenderly as class is dismissed for the evening.

"You don't have to finish it today," Maya says, something tense in her eyes.

Kim stubbornly keeps her eyes shut, and she... she's building a resolve, or a wall, everything she wants to say to Maya tightly put away. She needs this, she needs to let go of the ones she loves to do this. "I'll see you tomorrow," she dismisses, thinking it's the right way to do this. If she's gonna achieve the chakra, she needs to distance herself.

Maya looks sad. She walks away with a quiet goodbye, and Kim hates herself for peeking an eye open to watch her leave in the dim evening.

But she doesn't move, even as the last student leaves and as dark clouds fill the sky and a storm brews, pelting rain down at her. The veranda begins puddling with water, each pitter-patter of rain hitting the tiles sending her spiralling, but she keeps thinking of the piece of parchment that's abandoned on her bed roll in her room.

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