Book 3: Chapter 12: Love Amongst the Fools

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Heidy-Ho, everybody! How are y'all doing tonight?

I'm pleasantly nice today, mostly because I got my exam results and fuckin scored. Surprising though, because I nearly broke my head writing my Stats exam - but I did great! 

I want chicken wings. 

Also, this chapter is... something. It's a filler, but let me know how you like it. It's making me pretty nervous.

Take care of yourselves, I love you all, and I hope you have a good time reading this!


Sokka will admit it only once: he has a jealous streak.

But – listen, okay? After months, so many months of being the GAang, and mostly having (Y/n) by his side, it's strange and terrible when she isn't. And right now, she isn't.

Aang stares at him, wide-eyed. "So... you're really gonna sit there and brood about this?"

Sokka crosses his arms tighter, rustling his sleeping bag which he's sitting on, and glares harder at the sight before him. "I have every right," he hisses back. "Ever since they came back from their life changing trip, they've been closer than ever! Come on, Zuko, really?"

He stares holes into Zuko's sleeping form, and where his hand is outstretched, (Y/n) is there, having rolled in her sleep to rest her head on his arm.

"Well, he did rescue her," Aang reasons, a little more preoccupied watching Katara spar with Toph. The challenge was Toph wasn't allowed to bend anything to Katara and so far... Toph was still winning.

"Aang, I'm gonna ask you to do something I'll probably regret," Sokka mumbles. "I need you to matchmake me and (Y/n)."

It doesn't gain the reaction he'd expected.

Aang only raises an eyebrow, an amused smile on his lips. "Toph would laugh at your face, but you're lucky you're stuck with me." Aang grins, shuffling closer to him and raising a finger. "Remember the advice you gave me in the earth kingdom? Always act aloof. That way, she'll come to you. She'll want your attention."

Sokka rubs his chin. "I mean, I did give you that advice, so I know it's a hundred percent certified. Plus, I am a trustworthy source." He slams his fist in his palm. "Alright, stage one: act aloof.

Zuko stirs awake, and when he notices (Y/n) lying on his arm, his face contorts, and he slowly slips his arm from under her. Despite trying not to wake her up in the process, (Y/n) does awaken, and she hums sleepily.

"Sokka," she mumbles, stretching out her hand searchingly, and captures Zuko's hand. Her fingers slowly trace his palm and Zuko blushes brightly. Sokka's eye twitches, but then (Y/n) is letting go of Zuko's hand with a small, "not Sokka."

Zuko snatches his hand away as if he'd been touching fire. He glances at Sokka with apprehension, and then scrambles out of the bedroll.

Sokka, on the other hand, looks at (Y/n) with a burning hot face. She knew, even half asleep, what his hand felt like. He presses his hands to his temples, muttering under his breath, "aloof, aloof – I am aloof."

Aang pats his back. "Doing great so far."


(Y/n) places the small, finger-sized stone block on top of the teetering stack, grinning as she wipes the sweat that had been building up on her forehead. "That one almost toppled it over.

It's Zuko's turn to pinch out a block from the tower of blocks. Of Jenga blocks.

After another night of slow travelling through the forest, they had all gotten restless, starting with Aang, who decided to establish a game hour, and though his idea of games required bending, the nonbenders of the group thought they were at a disadvantage, and introduced their own games.

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