Book 3: Chapter 2: My Name's Aang and I'm Your Freestyle Dance Teacher

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Hooooo boy I was supposed to post this a few days ago but I just... blanked? This is a strange month because I don't remember any of it wth. 

I should honestly describe this book as "How Many Times Sokka and (Y/n) Will Almost Kiss." There's not much change to this story because there's no way to further my plot in this episode. Sooooo, I got a little indulgent, alright? 

I love you guys, stay safe and warm, and take care of yourselves!!

Anyways, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, cuties! This is my present to y'all!


Being in the Fire Nation was a lot craggier and rockier than (Y/n) expected.

Getting a view by a hidden shore of water, (Y/n) leads them behind rocks and shadows in the cloudy day. She's the only one on foot to try and find a spot while the others are on Appa's saddle. Any stray walkers from the Fire Nation coming their way shouldn't spot them, especially with their mixed, colourful garb.

Aang pops his head up behind (Y/n) where she's peeking over to scout the place and he points, "I think I see a cave below."

"Shush... keep quiet!" Sokka snaps, tugging tiredly at Appa's leash. the bison groans as his six feet kick up dust, making Sokka sneeze.

What's even crazier is the cloud Aang props over them, because despite how high on the mountain of the island they are on, no cloud is supposed to be that low in the sky.

When (Y/n) scales down the place and checks the dark, dry cave, she finds it full of rock, weaving into a small tunnel before opening up into a cavern, and although there are a couple of scurrying rat-coons around, it's relatively empty and safe. She goes to the entrance where the cloud hovers uncertainly above in the air, and when she waves cheerily, it's the sign that all's clear.

The cloud disperses with a blast of airbending and Sokka jumps down. "Great job with the cloud camo, but next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud who knows how to keep its mouth shut."

Toph rolls her eyes. "Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in."

"Hey! We're in enemy territory. Those are enemy birds." He points upward to four of the enemy, perched on a rock just behind him. One hops down onto his head and squawks plaintively.

When they look at the empty cave, Sokka sighs loud enough for it to echo. "Well, this is it. This is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave after cave...after cave...after cave..." His head drops further to his chest with each repetition of the word.

"Sokka, we don't need to become cave people." Katara toys with her tunic and says, "What we need is some new clothes."

"Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out. If we get Fire Nation disguises, we'll be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave."

Toph agrees with Aang wholeheartedly. "Plus...they have real food out there. Does anyone wanna sit in the dirt and eat cave-hoppers?" She punches the cave wall and several hoppers hop out. Momo catches one and begins chowing down.

They all take a step back, repulsed. When they turn to (Y/n), she smiles and shows them the multiple rips and scorch marks on her clothes. "No matter how many times I get new clothes, they get ruined. Might as well treat myself."

Sokka turns to Momo. "Looks like we got outvoted, sport. Let's get some new clothes."

They sneak their way into the town, hiding behind bushes or letting Toph cover them with rock until they're safe, peeking over the fence of a nearby laundry. Several outfits of clothing are hung on lines outdoors, suspended over steam vents.

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