Book 3: Chapter 15: We Burn Airships for the God Anubis

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Yes. This is the final chapter in my long series. I'm so happy you've stuck around and honestly, this chapter gave me serious writer's block, but I did it, folks.

The end of an era.

It's been a fucking journey of like three years. I have literally nothing to say lol.

Just a thank you for being here and supporting me through everything. You are the loveliest readers I've ever had. I love y'all, and I hope you enjoy this last chapter. 


It's warm and wonderful when (Y/n) wakes up. She feels sated, and a drowsy smile is on her lips as she feels soft breaths fan over her shoulder. Sokka's arm is slung over her bare waist and she lightly traces over his bony knuckles before turning over in his arms.

Sokka, as usual, is sleeping with his mouth parted and a soft snore escapes it. His hair is loose over the pillow and (Y/n) snuggles into his chest, ignoring his sleepy grumble.

She'd been thinking a lot about how sleeping with him would be but man... she feels furiously shy just thinking about last night and how Sokka moved and kissed and held her.

(Y/n) adjusts herself and drapes a leg over his thighs lazily, pressing a kiss to his naked shoulder. Sokka hums.

Her thigh brushes something hard, and she's choking back a sound when she realizes it's... yep.

A sneaky grin passes her lips as she runs her hand down Sokka's chest, his smooth stomach, and then to trace his sharp hipbone, before moving further down under the thin sheet to between his thighs, and then Sokka is moaning softly.

Well... she's sure he'd appreciate waking up with this surprise.


Sokka is fucking glowing, and a silly grin is practically nailed to his lips as he collects firewood. Toph, who is accompanying him, is traumatized.

"Sometimes, I feel like my gifts are a curse," Toph mutters as she taps her foot impatiently on the ground as Sokka trots to pick up twigs. "I need to make my tent out of metal now."

"What's that?"

"Nothing," Toph grumbles. "Are you done? I'm hungry."

Sokka beams and sticks out his thumb. They make it back to camp and find Katara and Uncle Iroh prepping vegetables in a pot, along with Zuko who looks disgruntled, but everyone knows is secretly pleased to have his uncle smile at him again.

Yeah, last night was a turning point for others, too. Rumour has it Zuko had cried and apologized for being so "I WILL KILL THE AVATAR AND GAIN MY HONOUR," and Uncle Iroh forgave him because no one has a bigger heart than Uncle Iroh. It was very teary and sweet and Zuko looks like a weight is lifted off his shoulders.

In the clearing, Suki and (Y/n) are sparring in a ground that is continuously being shifted because Bumi is manipulating the earth around them to have more obstacles. They look intense, especially (Y/n), and she's a little clumsier than usual, and Suki is taking advantage of it by striking her blind spots.

Sokka can't really imagine what I must feel like to lose Kim. He never liked her but he didn't really hate her; he and Kim had a bit of a mutual friend relationship and a grudging sort of respect, but they'd never willingly hang out with each other because there are huge chances they would break out into an argument and possible cat-fighting.

But he knew how much (Y/n) loved Kim, so seeing her use chi-blocking in her battles is like she's kept a part of Kim with her.

However, Sokka can't help notice a lot more now; the arch of (Y/n)'s back as she dodges a hit, the way her face is concentrated and glimmering with challenge and life, the sounds she's making—

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