Three- The Revelation

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Gya stood on one leg, balancing precautiously on the edge of the balcony. Slowly bending down on one leg while the other was straight in front of her. Her hand moving slowly, as if to air bend. She could feel eyes on her. Peeking down she saw Mako, Bolin and Korra all watching her. Korra had pro bending training and wanted Gya to come. Since it cut into her own training time she decided just to do it here. "Can I help you guys?" Gya asked, not breaking position. "How do you do that?" Bolín asked, having sparkles in his eyes. "Lots of practice, lots of balance and lots of core and leg muscles." Gya said, standing back up. "Now get back to training you three." Gya shooed them away with her hand. They all pouted for a moment before throwing the weighted ball back and forth once again. She felt something fluffy against her leg and looked down. Pabu, Bolin's Fire ferret, climbed up her leg. Perching himself on her shoulder. Gya chuckled, knowing he only liked her cause she always had treats on her. She pulled one from her pocket and handed it to him. "Hey Pabu, what's up little guy." He chatters lively as he munch down on the treat. When he was done he scurried back over to Bolín. Gya heard the door open and turned to see a man in fancy clothes. "Hey how's my little street urchins doing?" Gya raised an eyebrow, slowly climbing down from her post on the balcony. The man walked up to Korra with a smile. "Nice to finally meet you Avatar." He took off his hat as a curtesy to her. Revealing his bald head. "And you are?" Korra questioned, looking at him unimpressed. "Butakha. I run this whole Pro bending shabang. Oh by the way, here's you wining from the last match." He handed a stack of cash to Mako, but before he could pocket it Butakha stopped him. Taking money as he named all the things Mako and Bolín owed money for. Leaving none for Mako and Bolín to keep. "And one more thing, you guys need to bring 30,000 Yuans for the championship pot, you got till the end of this week or your out." Gya and Korra walked up. Bolín looked at us, "you two wouldn't happen to have 30,000 Yuans would you?" Korra pulled out her pockets. "I got nothing." Gya reached into hers, pulling out some cash. "I have 50, not sure if that'll help at all but." She held it out to Mako, he looked down at it and then to Gya. Warping his hand around hers and pushing it away. "No way, I'm not letting you give money to me and Bolín." Mako walked away, seeming angry. "Ever since we've lost our parent, we've been on our own." Bolín said, Gya frowned deeply, petting Pabu. "Anyway, how are we going to come up with the money?" Mako asked, Bolin smiled, holding up Pabu. "I've been training Pabu to do circus tricks! People would pay good money to see that." Mako scoffed, "I'm being serious." Bolín hunched over, looking down sadly. "I was serious." He muttered, Gya placed her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out, I always do." Mako said and started to walk out. Gya turned to Korra, "give me a minute, I'll be right back." Gya ran after Mako, following him into the hallway. "Mako wait!" She called, running to catch up. He stopped walking and looked at her. "I'm not going to take your money Gya so just drop it." She put her hands up In surrender. "No, it's not that, I just, I heard there was a factory in downtown looking for fire benders. To conduct electricity, it pays good. I just, wanted you to know. But if you ever do need money, you can come to me. Although I think you're too proud for that." He didn't say anything for a while. Just watched Gya with calculating eyes. After a long while he smiled, placing his hand on Gya's head. "Thanks, I'll go check it out." She gave him a thumbs up and he dropped his hand. Walking away once again.


Gya, Jinora and Ikki used their air bending to spin the gates for Korra. She got the hang of it now. Twisting through the gates easily and at a fast pace. "Ohh he's cute." Gya heard Ikki say, She saw Ikki was looking about Mako. He was walking up the stairs towards them. "I wonder what he needs" Gya uttered to herself, handing Korra a towel to wipe her face with. "Is that the fire bending boy that drives you crazy? Does he drive you crazy in a bad way or good way." Ikki raised her eyebrows at Korra. Korra blushed and used earth bending to launch them away. Mako got to them right faster and stopped walking. "Have you seen Bolín?" Mako asked, Gya and Korra glanced at each other. "Not since practice this morning." Korra said, Mako turned to Gya and she shook her head softly. "No, last time I saw him was after I said goodbye at the arena. Is he in trouble?" Gya asked, Mako folded his arms. "I'm not sure, he has a knack for getting into stupid situations. I'm going to look for him." He started to walk away but Gya stopped him. Grabbing his arm. "Let me and Korra help you!" He pulled his arm away and continued to walk. "Nah I got it." Korra grabbed him this time and he turned back. "Hey cool guy, let us help you. We can take Naga." Gya felt excited at that, she loves Naga. "Who's Naga?" He questioned, Gya jumped up and began to walk to her den. "My best friend and greatest tracker in the world."

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