Nine- Out Of The Past

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Gya woke up to her door being flung open. She sat up in her bed. Rubbing her eyes tiredly. When her vision focused she saw her Father standing in the doorway. "Get dressed, we need to go." He threw her clothes at her and left the room. Gya furrowed her eyebrows confused. And followed her father off the island. He didn't speak and Gya was afraid to ask what was wrong. She was even more confused when they walked in the council's office. It was a mess inside. Officers were taking pictures of evidence and Gya looked at her dad. "Why am I here?" She asked and Tenzin looked at her. "It's Korra." Was all he said before walking further into the room. Gya's blood ran cold and she swallowed. They approached Tarrlok who was getting healed. "What happened? And why was Korra here?" Tenzin asked Tarrlok. Gya glared at the man. "As I told Chief Saikan late last night Korra shows up. She was upset about her friends and asked me to release them. That's when the equalist attacked. I tried to help Korra but we were outnumbered and I was electrocuted. When I woke up she was gone. I'm so-" he faltered in his words when he looked at Gya. The absolute rage painting her face made him shiver. Anger and loathing washing off her in waves. And it was all directed at him. Gya didn't believe his sorry. Not one bit.

Gya sat on her bed restless. Her friends were in prison and Korra was missing. Gya paced in her room and groaned. She opened her window and stared at the city with narrow eyes. Pausing to think. Clenching her jaw she grabbed her glider and jumped out her window. Flying over the ocean and into the city. Gya stormed into the police station just in time to see Beifong. She smiled and walked next to the woman. "I'm guessing we're here for the same thing." She said, Beifong smiled at her. Gya snuck to the back of the building. Breaking through and window and sneaking by some guards on break. She opened the door to the prison and let Beifong in. Walking down the hall way Beifong stopped in front of a door. She ripped the door off the wall. Asami sat on her bed inside. Looking at Beifong with wide eyes. "I hope you got your beauty rest. We're busting you out." Beifong said, Asami laughed loudly. Tackling Gya is a bear hug. "I knew you'd come." She said, letting go of Gya. "Of course I did, now let's go get the boys." What happened after was very awkward. When the door of their room was off Asami ran to Mako and kissed him. Except Bolín was in the middle of using the restroom. Gya walked in after and Mako smiled at her. Pulling her into a hug. "I thought Korra was gonna do a jailbreak. Not you." He said, smiling down at her. But Gya couldn't return it. "She probably would, but Amon captured her last night." Mako let go of Gya and stumbled back. "So let go save her." Beifong said, Gya nodded and walked out. She was going to find Korra. No matter who she had to go through to get there.


When they walked into her dads office he stared at them with an open mouth. Blinking slowly, trying to comprehend what was happening. "Gya what, Lin you should be in the hospital, and you three in prison, and Gya I told you to go home." Gya glared at him and crossed her arms. "Yeah, not when my best friend is missing. We wanna help look for Korra. So any leads?" Tenzin sighed and massaged his scalp. "No not yet." He said, Mako frowned deeply. "We need Naga. She can sniff out Korra." Tenzin shook his head sadly. "Unfortunately her polar dog is missing as well." Beifong looked up thoughtful. "Our best shot would probably be the tunnels that run under the city. That's probably where the equalist are hiding." Bolín nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, when the equalist took me it sounded like we heading into a tunnel!" Mako smiled and perked up. "I think I know where we need to go."


Her father flew the sky bison Oogi down to the ground and Gya smiled. "This is the place where we first ran into the chi blockers. Our fist official mission as a team." She said, smiling at Mako. He smiled back and slid off the sky bison. Holding a helping hand out to her. "I've gotten off plenty of sky bison but thank you." She slid down gracefully and then looked around. "When they took off with Bolín they went this way." Mako said, walking down an alleyway. They walked a little ways when they got to a place where there were many different alleys. "Which way?" Asami asked Bolín who just shrugged. Beifong slammed her foot in the ground and looked to her left. "There's a tunnel over there." The walked over to it. An iron gate over the tunnel. Gya kneeled down and frowned. "Motorcycle tracks." She told the group. Standing up and glaring into the tunnel. "Korra has to be here." Mako muttered, Gya placed a hand on his shoulder. "We're gonna find her, don't worry." He smiled at her and Beifong opened the gate. As they walked into the tunnel it got darker. Gya walked next to Mako and he glanced over at her. "You haven't really talk to me in a while." He noted and Gya sighed. "Mako now is not the time." She murmured but he pressed on. "Well I just want to know why." Gya crossed her arms over her stomach. Using her bending to regulate her temperature. "You're dating Asami who is my friend. But also you have a thing going on with my best friend. I just feel awkward when I'm with you cause I'm caught up in your weird love triangle. And I don't want to be involved." He frowned and sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize." Gya just bumped his shoulder. "It's fine, just try and choose one yeah?" He nodded his head and laughed. "Yeah." Asami watched their interaction with narrow eyes. Wondering what they were whispering about. When it got too dark Mako used his bending and lit the way. They made it to a small room where there were three tunnels. "Let's go this way." Mako said, pointing to the middle tunnel. "And what if Korra isn't down there?" Asami asked, Mako shrugged her off. "Then we go down another one until we find her." He began to walked and Gya glared at him. He noticed and furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" She scoffed and slapped his arm making him flinch. "Way to be a dick. If your gonna give Asami the cold shoulder for Korra at least date Korra." He sighed and grumbled. Usually he'd blow up at whoever said that to him. But he knew Gya was right. "Yeah, I'll apologize to her later." He mumbled and Gya rolled her eyes. "Man child." He scowled at her. "I am not a man child." "Yes you are." "No I'm not." "Are" "Not" A light shone down the tunnel. The sound of motorcycles vibrated off the walls. "Take cover." Mako said to the others. Grabbing Gya and pulling her to a walk with him. Her back was pressed to her chest. Her face flushed and she felt heart rage slightly before she shook her head. 'Gya no, this is Asami's boyfriend and Korra's crush. Keep it together.' A secret door on the wall opened and the motorcycles drove into it. The door slammed shut behind them. The group came out from hiding. Beifong quickly opened the door and the group snuck inside. They stood at the end of the hall. Looking in a room with Many trams. The group overheard a woman telling her supervisor the food was delivered to the prison. "That must be where they're keeping Korra." Her father said, they waited till the coast was clear before hopping in the Tram. When they got close to the exit the hopped out. Two Chi blockers searched the Tram confused. Beifong grabbed them with metal wires and pulled them back. Mako and Bolín knocking them out. They tied the two up and placed them by the stairs in the room.  "You two stay here and watch them." Beifong told Asami and Bolín. She slammed her foot into the ground. Searching the prison. "My men are here." She said and Gya turned to her. "And Korra?" She asked but Beifong shook her head. "I don't see her yet." They walked down the hallway towards the prison. When they turned the corner they saw two chi blockers waiting there. Before the chi blockers could attack Gya jumped forward. Slamming them into the wall with a gust of air. Mako ripped the mask off one man and slammed him into the wall. "Where is Avatar Korra?" The man didn't answer, looking confused. Gyas gazed softened at him, he didn't know. "I'll asked one more time, where is she!?" Mako yelled, fire blazing from his fist. "She not here is she?" Gya asked and the man shook his head. She slammed her fist into the wall with angry shout. Blood trickling down from her knuckles. A crack forming on the wall from the force of her punch. "Tarrlok, he made the whole attack up right?" The man nodded again. The anger pooling from the girl scaring him. "That bastard, he has Korra." Before anyone could respond an alarm started to blare. Lights flashing all around them. The group ran quickly. Gya finally noticed Beifongs men with them. They jumped in the Tram and started down a track. A tram full of chi blockers followed after them but Bolín caved the walls in. Blocking the Tram from following. Their next problem was the group of equalist blocking their exit. Beifong used part of the track to make a ramp. Quickly creating a opening in the ceiling for them to get through. The tram slid up the ramp and through the opening. Gya held on to anything she could. Trying to keep herself from flying out. The tram landed hard and slid for a while. Making a terrible scraping noise. When it stopped Beifong made another hole above them. Sun light shone down onto Gya's face. Warming her cold skin. Gya stood up, dusting the dirt off of her. Mako grabbed her hand, looking at her bleeding knuckles. "Are you alright?" He asked, not recognize the girl in front of him. He had never seen her so angry. She pulled her hand away. "I will be once Tarrlok's been dealt with."


Her father had contacted the chief to meet them at City hall. When they walked inside he was already waiting. "Thanks for meeting us on such short notice." Her father said, bowing to the Chief. Foot steps approached behind them and Gya turned around. Tarrlok stood there. "Did you find out anything about the Avatar?" He asked and she clenched her jaw. "We did actually, and we know that you too her!" She yelled, he stepped back in shock. Looking at Tenzin. "Control your daughter and her wild accusations!" He said, but Tenzin scowled. "We know you did it Tarrlok, and that you planted the evidence to blame the equalist." Tarrlok scoffed and straightened his jacket. "You have no pro-" he was cut off by a high pitched voice. "He did it! I saw him last night, he told me to leave and on my way out I saw him bringing the avatar to the garage. He put her in a car and drove away." Tarrloks assistant called from the balcony. That was all Gya needed, she shot her palm forwarding. A strong gust of wind dancing it's way from her palm to Tarrlok. Sending him flying backwards, Tarrlok hit the ground and slid away. Her father quickly pulled her back. "Calm down Gya." He said, letting go of her slowly. "Why did you take so long to speak up?" Beifong asked, the assistant began to shake. "Because he's a blood bender!" Gyas eyes widened as she looked at Tarrlok. "Don't make this harder then it need to be." Her father said, but before anyone could attack they felt their bodies stiffen. Gya's arms were pinned to her side and she couldn't move. It felt like thousands of needles were piercing her body at once. She cried out as she was forced to kneel. Her arms shook and spasmed. She tried to move but she couldn't control her own body. Gya glared up at Tarrlok with as much hate as she could. She heard everyone behind her falling to the ground. Passing out from his bending. But he walked towards her with a snarl. "I never liked you. Always having a snarky comment or a nasty look. Now look at yourself. Weak." He grabbed her hair and lifted her up. She grunted at the burning in her scalp. "I could just deal with you now. But I decided I'm going to kill Korra first. Then I'll come back for you." She mustard up all her strength and spit in his face. He dropped her and wiped his face in disgust. Looking at her with a twisted expression before slamming his hand into her neck. Making the world flicker to black as she fell to the floor.


She was woken up by a gentle hand on her shoulder. It shook her softly and a pain shot down her neck. She gasped in pain and pulled away. Her eyes snapping open. "Hey it's me." She heard her father say gently, helping her sit up. Mako kneeled next to her and hissed. "There's a huge bruise forming on your neck." He touched it gingerly and she flinched. "Guess Tarrlok hates me almost as much as I hate him." She said, getting to her feet slowly. "We haven't been out to long. We can still catch up to Tarrlok." Beifong said, Gya swayed on her feet slightly when she felt an arm around her waist. Mako grabbed grabbed her arm and put it over his neck. "Take it easy." He told her, watching her with worry. She rolled her eyes but put her weight on him. "He could lead us to Korra." Gya said, the group left the town hall quickly. Getting onto Oogi and searching the city. The sun began to set when they heard a howl. Landing in an alleyway Gya all but sprinted to Naga. Ignoring the pain and dizziness she pulled Korra down. Holding her up and smiling. Korra was covered in bruises. Her eyes half open. "You scared me, you have no idea." Gya said, hugging Korra gently. She heard someone come up behind her. It was Mako, he took Korra from Gya, much to her dismay. And carried her over to the sky bison. Gya followed behind him and climbed up. Laying next to Korra and smiling. "Your safe now." She whispered, Korra smiled with tears in her eyes. Korra leaned into Gya making her smile. Her best friend was safe.

Book 1: Air (Legend of Korra x oc)Where stories live. Discover now