One- Welcome to Republic City

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Gya took a deep breath, pulling her diaphragm in. Holding as much air as her lungs would take before hitting her limit. Lungs burning in protest at the tension and strain. Slowly she took a step forward, bringing her hand down as if to strike. Shifting her weight to her right leg she spun, bringing her left leg up. Her chest burned, screaming for air. She refused it's request, bringing her leg back down to the floor. Bending her knees to a crouch, she sat for a moment. Closing her eyes, listening to the world around her. Leaves shaking from a soft breeze. Birds chirping happily with one another. Water sloshing calmly against the island rocks. Gya turned her focus to the smell. Soft and sweet, from the morning sun and rain. Pollen from flowers floating around like a natural perfume. Now what she could feel around her. The sturdy, concrete floor. Holding her weight effortlessly. The chill morning air, crisp and dry against her skin. Finally she pushed the air from her lungs. Sending her focus on all these senses. For a moment everything was still and calm. And that's was when she struck. Jumping as high as she could, eyes sealed tightly. Spinning her body around to her preferred target. She pushed her palm forward, air circulating around it. Aiming and- "Gya!" Her name being called distracted her. Her eyes shot open as she landed awkwardly. Stumbling over her feet for a moment before turning. Her father stood behind her, watching her close. Tenzin, son of avatar Aang and part of the city council. "Sorry to disturb you, I just wanted to chat for a moment." Gya furrowed her eyebrows, confused on what it was. "Oh uh, yeah, what is it?" She asked, approaching him, fixing her tousled clothing. "Well tomorrow you'll have to get up earlier then usual. And will not be able to train at home." Gya crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her head slightly. A look of displeasure on her face. "What? Why?" He placed a hand on the back of his neck. "We'll be visiting my mother, and the avatar." Gya shook her head, "No, you said you weren't leaving to train the Avatar." Gya's father grimaced slightly. Looking guilty for something, like a child caught doing something their not supposed to. "You are correct. I thought it would be easier if I told her in person. Instead of just sending a letter. Besides none of your siblings have met your grandma, and it's been years since you've seen her. And you've met Korra before, it might be nice to see an old friend." Gya blew hair from her face, sighing quietly. "I guess that makes sense. How long is the trip?" He put his hand up, counting fingers as he did the math in his head. "Well we're staying the night so.." He muttered to himself, she rolled her eyes. Without another word she walked away from him. "By the way we're gonna be late for dinner." She called over her shoulder. That seemed to snap him from his trance. He turned and followed after her quickly.


It had been a long, long day. Riding with Meelo was like taking a hammer to the head. But not the flat side of the hammer, the jagged side. And instead of dying you get to feel the pain over and over. That describes it perfectly. And Ikki wouldn't stop asking questions the entire time. Pointing out an object she saw and asking it's name, what it was used for, what it taste like ect. The only bearable child on the ride was Jinora. And that was because she didn't speak at all, just read her books quietly. Gya all but sang hallelujah when the island was in view. Snowy and cold, and peaceful. Except for random burst of fire she could see from afar. It's probably Korra training, hopefully. "Are we there yet!? Are we there yet!? Ohhhh this looks familiar!" Gya blocked Ikki out, wincing when she noticed Meelo chowing down on her dads head. When their bison, Oogi landed she jumped off. Letting her feet sink deep into the soft snow. She noticed a little welcome party waiting for them, her grandma and Korra. Korra was moving on her feet. Jumping lightly from side to side impatiently. Gya could already tell she would struggle with air bending from her restless behavior. She heard Ikki and Jinora fly down behind her. Followed by her dad and Meelo, She turned back to Oogi. Walking up to her mom. "Hello mother. I can't tell you how happy I am to see you." She heard he dad say. She stifled a laugh, his tone sounded tired and depressed. Gya gave her hand to her mother who smile. Taking her hand and sliding down gently. Pema was 8 months pregnant, her due date growing closer and closer. Belly round and ready to pop. Gya turned back to her family to see her grandma holding Meelo. "Unhand me strange woman!" Gya giggled slightly at what he said. "That's your grandmother Meelo." Her sisters ran to my grandma as Gya and her mother approached. Gya could see Ikki jumping up and down. Rambling along as always, she rolled her eyes at her little sister. Her father rushed over to her mother. Concerned, "Stop dotting on me, I'm not helpless." Gya's mom remarked at him. She made eye contact with her grandma and smiled. "Oh my, Gya, you've grown so much. I remember when you stood to my knee caps. Look at you now, towering over me." She wrapped Gya in a gentle hug. One that Gya returned. "It has been a long time huh?" She noticed her mother coming up behind her. Gya backed away letting her mother talk with her grandma. Eyes burned the back of her skull. She turned to see Korra staring at her. "Long time no see, how've you been Korra?" Korra took a moment before smiling brightly. Jumping at Gya, wrapping her arms around Gya. The force of the hugged knocked them down. "Ack! Korra!" Gya screech, Korra laughed sitting up and yelling. The snow soften their fall. But now Gya's clothes were cold and wet. Making them stick to her skin unbearably. "Gya! It's been too long, I almost didn't recognize you at first!" Gya rubbed her head as she sat back up. "Yeah, we'll it's been almost 10 years so." They both stood up, brushing snow from their clothing. Gya cringing at the cold. "Korra?" Gya heard her father say, Korra rushed over quickly. Gya watched them with a small smile. "Look at you, so big and strong.  You've grown into quite the young avatar." He placed his hand on her shoulders, smiling down at her. Gya puffed out her cheeks slightly. "Master Tenzin, I'm so glad you're hear. I can't wait to get started." Gya whistled lowly, knowing how this was gonna end. And it wasn't good. "Yes, well..." Her dad went silent, Gya sighed softly before saying. "Don't prolong it Dad, just tell her." Korra looked at her confused before turning back to Tenzin. "Wait, tell me what?" Gya's grandma seemed to realize before Korra. A sad expression on her face. "You're not staying, are you?" Tenzin nodded his head sadly. "I'm afraid not. We're only visiting for the night. Then I have to return to republic city." Korra shook her head slowly, staring up at him desperately. "But, no, you're supposed to move here. You're supposed to teach me." Tenzin looked away, Gya could tell he felt bad. Like he was letting Korra and his mother down. "Your airbending training is going to have to wait." Korra looked down sadly, Gya felt awkward. Standing quietly by them as they said nothing. "Soooo, what's for dinner?" Gya asked, her father and Korra turned to glare at her. She rose her hands in mock surrender. "Bad timing?"


"So how long until you're ready to teach me airbending? A week? A month?" Korra asked impatiently, Gya sat next to her father at the table. Not really sure why he wanted her here for the conversation. Her grandma sat with them along with some white lotus members. Gya felt out of place and awkward. Pretending to study a random painting in the wall. "It could be much longer." Tenzin responded, Korras shoulders sank. "I don't understand. Why are you making me wait?" She asked, glancing at Gya for a brief moment. "I have a responsibility republic city. I'm one of its leaders, and the situation there is very unstable right now." Gya nodded her head in agreement. Lots of crime and hate was running the city. Driving it with icy, and deathly waters. People killed from gang violence, dirty cops, discrimination. All of it ravaged the city. "But you also have a responsibility to teach me. Believe me, I'd be happy to find another airbending master, but your the only one. We're stuck with each other." Tenzin glanced at Gya, pleading with his eyes. She glared at him before turning to Korra. "Korra, I know you want to master airbending as soon as possible. But it's not possible, my dad is very busy. Your just going to have to wait." Korra looked at her, slightly glaring. Gya could tell she was mad. Ignoring everything she had said entirely. "Wait, if you can't stay here, then I'll go back to republic city with you! It's perfect!" She said happily, Gya looked down. Not really sure how to feel about the comment. She would be happy if Korra was living with them, but she also knew it might be to dangerous in the city for Korra. "Absolutely not. The city is far to dangerous. Avatar Aang tasked us with keeping you safe while you mastered the four elements." One of the white lotus men said.  Gya side eyed the older man. Knowing he was lying but it wasn't her place to tell. "I get that, but I don't thinking keeping me locked up in this compound like a prisoner is what he has in mind." Korra and the white lotus man had a glare down. Keeping their eyes on each other. Gya felt the tension in the room rising. This was uncomfortable. "I know this is difficult to accept,  but it's not the right time for you to come to the city." Korra stood up, not looking back at them. "Whatever." She walked out and slammed the door. Tenzin and the white lotus guy both sighed. "Gya will you please talk with her?" Her father asked, Gya looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. But his expression looked tried. So she just nodded her head and followed after Korra. The moment she walked out the door she spotted the avatar girl turning a corner. Gya ran after her, calling her name. When Gya caught up Korra looked at her with folded arms. "Can't you convince your father to take me with you?" She asked, exasperated. Gya shook her head, leaning against the wall next to her. "No I can't, I know your upset but my dad has his reasons. The city needs him a-" she cut Gya off. "I need him too!" They both went quiet. Just staring at each other, her anger slowly fading. She looked down in shame, "sorry." She muttered out, Gya pushed herself from the wall. Placing one hand on Korra's shoulder. "It's ok," Gya smiled at her, "you know, I haven't gone penguin sledding in a long time." A smile graced her face immediately. "Wanna race?" Gya asked, Korra smirked. Walking past Gya, "be ready to lose." "Oh your so on!"


They had left the South Pole late, her schedule was slightly thrown off balance. But nothing she can't get back to. She planted her feet on the ground. Watching her moving target. She changed her stances slightly so she was more on her toes. Lighter on her feet, so she could move faster. With a flick of her wrist she flew forward. Heading straight for one target. Gya spun mid air, pushing her palm out towards it. Sending a wave of air right at it. It was pushed back, out of her way. Landing behind it Gya smiled, stretching her limbs. Man even skipping a couple days makes her sore. She turned to the horizon. The sun was setting already. Golden hues surrounded it. Gya saw a huge ship at the island. Confused she grabbed her glider, flying down to the ship. Her eyes widened. Korra was standing with her father. "Korra?" She turned to Gy, looking sad. "Hey Gya." She looked at her father, he stared at her. "What are you doing here?" Gya asked, completely confused. "I should have listened to you and your dad. But I'm heading back to the South Pole so don't worry." Gya couldn't help but frown. Air wished around as her siblings flew done on their gliders. They all hugged Korra, smiling brightly. Gya turned back to my father. "So do you want to explain or?" He looked away from me. "She's already here, what's the point of sending her back?" He went too open his mouth but Gya cut him off. "And don't say she's not ready cause we both know she'll never be if you don't start to train her." He was silent, looking at her. She raised her eyebrows at him. Waiting for some sort of response. He couldn't just not say anything. He gazed behind her at Korra. "Wait, I have done my best to guide Republic city towards the dream my father had for it. But you are right. It has fallen out of balance-" Gya ran up behind him, bumping him lightly. "What he is trying to say Is he wants you to stay." Korra gasped loudly, smiling at Gya. She opened her arms up and Korra jumped forward. Hugging Gya as tight as possible. "Yes! Thank you, you're the best!" She then picked up the kids and Tenzin. Making Gya start to giggle, maybe having her here won't be too bad.

Book 1: Air (Legend of Korra x oc)Where stories live. Discover now