Two- A leaf in the wind

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"And in the final round buzzard wasps won with a decisive knockout." Korra read from the days newspaper. "What do you say we go to the arena tonight? Catch a few pro bending matches?" Korra asked with a wide grin. Gya whistled lowly, knowing exactly what her father would say. "That sport is a mockery of the noble traditions of bending." Gya and him said at the same time. Gya in a voice of mockery. He glared at her, making her look away. She stuffed her mouth with some rice. Trying to pretend she wasn't there. "Come on Tenzin, I've dreamed about seeing a pro bending match since I was a kid, and now I'm just a ferry ride away from the arena." Korra pointed to the dome shaped building across the water. If Gya was being completely honest, she had too. Pro bending was fun and exciting. But her dad never let her, and probably never would. "Korra, you're not here to watch that drivel. You're here to finish your avatar training. So for the time being I want you to remain on the island. You too Gya." Gya spit out her drink, turning to him. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "is that why you're keeping the white lotus sentries around watching my every move?" Korra asked, side eyeing the sentries, for some reason they watched Gya too. It's creepy, "yes, in order to learn airbending I believe you require a calm, quiet environment, free from any distractions." Gya rolled her eyes, taking another bite of rice. Chewing it as aggressive as possible.  Watching her dad the entire time she did. "All right, you're the master." Korra turned to look out the window again. Gya sighed, leaning her head on her hand.

Gya stood with Ikki, Jinora and Meelo. Waiting for Korra and her father. They spotted them walking up the stair and Gya smiled. "You ready for this?" Gya asked, Korra smiled at her. Putting a fist up, "you know it." Tenzin looked at Gya, motioning to the contraption behind her. "Alright, this here exercise is pretty simple. You weave through the doors without touching them. Your goal is to get to the other side." Gya explained simply. Korra grinned, walking forward. "Sounds easy." Gya twirled an air ball in her hand lazily. "Oh, did I mention they'll be moving?" Gya stated with a smirk. Tenzin used his bending, spinning the gates. He picked up a leaf, pushing it towards the gates. It went through effortlessly. "The goal is to be like the leaf, move with the gates. Gya will demonstrate." Gya turned to Korra, bowing lowly. Making Korra giggle quietly. Gya turned back to the gates, took a breath and stepped towards them. She danced through the gates, spinning over her feet gracefully. When a gate moved towards her she moved with it. Getting to the other side without a hitch. Gya planted her feet, sending a gust a wind to pick the gates speed up again. Korra ran forward, body slamming into the gates. Flopping back into another moving gate. Gya flinched as Korra was hit by multiple gates. Being thrown out of the contraption. Gya caught her quickly, pulling her back into a standing position. Korra didn't look back at Gya, immediately sprinting back in, getting thrown around. "Move with the gates not against them!" Gya called, Korra didn't seem to hear Gya or choose to ignore her. Because she got thrown straight back out. Like the exercise was rejecting her completely. Korra started to fall face forward to the ground. Gya caught her again, letting Korra lean onto her. Korra's hair stuck out every which way. Scratches littering her body. "That looked painful." Gya muttered earring a soft punch to her bicep.


"Airbend!" Korra said throwing her arms forward. Trying to blow todays newspaper away. "You know that's not how bending works right?" She glared at Gya, trying it again. Gya laughed slightly making Korra punch the newspaper with fire. "What is wrong with me!?" She yelled, kicking up dirt. "Nothing, airbending is probably the hardest element to master. Especially for avatars that weren't born an airbender. You'll get it, I know you will." Korra smiled at Gya lightly, they both turned when they heard a radio. Talking about the bending tournament. They snuck forward, climbing onto the roof of the guard shack. They sat there for hours listening, whispering to each other. They smiled to each other as things got intense. The fire ferrets were about to win. When the radio cut out. They both looked at each other confused. "Korra, Gya get down her please." They both flinched at Tenzin's voice. They slipped from the roof scaring the guards. "You turned it off at the best part." Korra whined, Tenzin shook his head. "I thought I told you I didn't want any distractions for you two, especially you Korra." Gya put her hands on her hips. "Well you said we can't read it, but never said no listening." Gya said with a sassy tone. He groaned, upset by Gya and Korras defiance. "You know what I meant. And shouldn't you two be in bed by now!" He turned and walked away, someone's in a bad mood.

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