Four- The Voice In The Night

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That night Gya couldn't sleep, tossing and turning in her bed. Pulling her pillow over head head. Throwing her blankets off. But no matter what she did it didn't help. In the morning she tried to meditate. But any noise made her jump. So she ended up giving up on that. So the rest of the day was full of her jumping at the slightest sound. Later that night her and Korra were training together. Going through the movements of air bending. But Korra wasn't focused. She kept stumbling over her own feet. And her form was lazy. The radio played a up beat song but suddenly went static. The girls stopped to look at the radio. Confused on the sudden static. That's when a familiar voice began to speak. "Hello my fellow equalist. This is your leader Amon. As you've all heard the council has voted to make me enemy number one. Proving that non bending oppressors will stop at nothing to quash our revolution. But we will not be stopped. Our numbers grow stronger by the day. You no longer have to live in fear. The time has come for bender to experience fear." Korra was sweating bullets. Gya took her sleeve and wiped it over Korras face. "Hey, look at me." She grabbed Korras face and turned her towards her. "Nothing is going to happen to you okay? I won't let it. We're gonna stop Amon." She pulled Korra into a hug, one that Korra returned. "I'm so scared." She muttered, hiding her face in Gyas shoulder. As kids Korra never talked about her feelings. Yet Gya always knew what was wrong. Making her Korras safe person. The one person she could tell everything too. Without Gya life was hard. And she thought things would change since they hadn't been around each other for years. She was wrong. Gya would always be there for her.


Gya sat next to Korra around the table. Closing her eyes as her father said a prayer. "We are great full for this food.  For happiness, for compassion-" Her father was cut of by an obnoxious voice. "I'm not interrupting am I?" It was Tarrlok, Gyas least favorite counsel member. He was selfish, over dressed and pompous. Unlikeable in every way. "You are actually." He faltered slight at Gyas bluntness. "This is my home Tarrlok, we're about to eat dinner." Tenzin said, standing up. "Good, because I am absolutely famished. Airbenders never turn away a hungry guest, am I right?" Gya set down her rice. Glaring at the annoying man. "Not like you need to eat anymore." She looked the man up and down and her father cleared his throat. Glaring at his oldest daughter for her words. She heard her siblings giggle lightly and even her mother cracked a smile. "And you must be the famous avatar Korra. I am councilman Tarrlok, representative of the southern water tribe." Korra stood, bowing to him in greeting. Gya shove a bite of rice into her mouth. Trying to stop herself from anymore backhanded comments. She scooted over slightly so he could sit next to Korra. "Why do you have three ponytails? And why do you smell like a lady? Your weird." Ikki said, making Gya snort. Ikki glared at Torrlak and Gya couldn't help but smile. "Now, I've been reading all about your adventures in the papers. Infiltrating Amons rally. Now that took some real imitative." Gya crossed her arms over her chest. "Wow, thanks. I think your the first authoritative figures who actually happy I'm here." Gya then shoved a huge bite of steamed veggies into her mouth. "I think republic city is much better now that you've arrived." Gya gulped down her soup, eating was the only way to keep her mouth shut. "Enough with the flattery, Tarrlok. What do you want from Korra" Tenzin asked, Tarrlok put a calming hand up. "Patience Tenzin. I'm getting to that." Grabbing her piece of bread Gya shoved it in her mouth. Repeating the words 'don't say anything.' In her head. "As you might have heard I'm creating a task force. I want to strike at the heart of the revolution. And I want you to join me." Gya choked on her bread, slamming her fist into her chest to swallow it. "I want someone who will attack Amon directly. Who is fearless and strong. And that person is you." Tarrlok said, Gya watched Korra with wide eyes. She wouldn't say yes would she? "Join your task force? I can't." Gya smiled at Korras words, settling back down to eat. "I must say I'm surprised. I thought you jump at the chance to lead a force to attack Amon." Tarrlok said, Gya had honestly thought the same. "I came to Republic city to finish my Avatar training with Tenzin. Right now I just need to focus on that." Tarrlok started to lean towards Korra to talk but Gya put a hand up. "You can talk to her from that distance." He grumbled slightly before saying what he was going to. "Which is why this opportunity is perfect. You'll get on the job experience while doing your avatar duty for then city." Gya rolled her eyes and scoffed. "She said no, so I think it's time you leave." Gya said, her father nodded. Agreeing with his daughter. "Very well. But this is not the last of me, you will here form me soon. It was nice meeting you avatar Korra." As he walked out Ikki stood up and waved. "Bye bye ponytail man." Gya giggled loudly, waving along with her sister.

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