Eight-When Extremes meet

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Asami, Mako and Bolín arrived on the ship.  They were moving onto airbending island. Gya and her siblings along with Korra greeted them at the dock. "Hello, welcome to my domain!" Meelo said as Ikki chased Pabu around. Gya smiled awkwardly at her siblings behavior. Mako walked up to her with a smile. "Thank you for sending the air accolades to help with the move." Gya smiled and it dropped the moment she saw how much luggage they were carrying. She didn't even say anything just sighed and lead the group. Gya stopped the group. "Ok, so over there are the sky bison and over there is the green house. A-" before she could continue Bolín interrupted. "I have some questions. Is this place all vegetarian, is that were you train air bending, do we all get our own sky bison, do we have to wear air acolyte clothing and how many trees are on this island." Gya looked down at Ikki. She smiled at the chance to respond. "Yes, yes, no, no and 10,552." Everyone was silent for a moment as Gya laughed. "Okayyy, where are we staying?" Mako asked, Gya pointed to the direction to the dorms. "The mens dormitories are that way. Jinora, Meelo why don't you show them." Jinora nodded and lead Mako and Bolín. Meelo turned to Asami, putting his hand out. "We will meet again beautiful woman." Gya rolled her eyes and waved Asami over. "Me, Korra and Ikki will show you the females dormitories." They walked silently to the dorms. But when in the hallway Ikki turned to Asami. "Did you know Korra likes Mako?" She asked, Korra froze in fear while Gya glared at her sister. "Uh, no I wasn't aware of that." Korra laughed awkwardly and dragged Asami away. Ikki went to follow but stopped when  Gya held up a hand. She stomped her foot but complied. She never like when Gya was angry, especially if that anger was turned towards her. They walked into  Asami's room and Korra shut the door. "I know it's probably not as nice as your use to." Korra said, but Asami smiled. Placing her back on her bed. "It's charming, and nothing here reminds me of my father." Someone began to bang on the door and Gya sighed. "Ikki I thought I made it clear to leave." When the door opened though it was her father. "Oh, hi dad." He walked into the room. "Hello ladies, welcome Asami." They bowed to one another before he turned to Korra. "Beifongs replacement is being named as chief of police today. I think we should both be there." Korra nodded, following Tenzin with a wave. When the door shut Asami was immediately on Gya. "So what did your sister mean when she said Korra likes Mako." Gya shifted uncomfortably, pulling at the collar of her shirt. "I'm gonna be completely honest. She has a crush on him. But I think you should talk to one of them about it, not me." Asami narrowed her eyes. Walking closer. "So he knows?" Gya gulped and backed away. "Like I said speak to one of them. Now I'm gonna go water the bison. Bye!" Gya ran out of the room quickly. Sweating bullets, Asami was scary.


Gya found Korra sitting at the edge of the mountain all alone. She was crying, Gya frowned and sat next to Korra. "You're not a failure just because you haven't learned air bending yet Korra." She said, looking at the girl. Korra sniffed and gave a half smile. "How do you always know what on my mind?" She asked, and Gya just chuckled. "We spent a lot of time together as kids. You haven't changed at all. And I know what that ass hat Torrlak said to you." Korra stared to laugh quietly. "I haven't hear you cuss in a long time Gya." Gya shrugged and smiled. Korra smiled a moment longer before it fell. More tears pooling in her eyes. Gya wrapped her arms around Korra. "Korra are you out here?!" They heard Mako call, Gya wiped Korras tears. Knowing she wouldn't want the others to see it. When they found them they watched Korra with worried eyes. "What's wrong? You can talk to us." Mako said, and Korra sighed. "How am I supposed to defend the city when I can't airbend. I feel like a failure and like I'm alone." Korra said, Gya too light offense to that. "Your not alone, we may not be in the arena any more but we're still a team, the new team avatar." Bolín cheered, the three of them stood in a circle. Hand sat on top of each other for a team cheer. Gya and Korra stood, putting their hand in too. "Let do this." Korra said, that's when Gya saw Meelo flying towards. She pulled her hand out just in time. Meelo landed, farting on the others. "Let's do it! What are we doing?" Everyone started to laugh at Meelo except Gya. He was a nasty child.

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