Six- And The Winner Is....

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The fire ferrets we're practicing more then ever. Wanting to beat the wolf bats more then anything. Gya watched them, smiling at their spirits. "I don't care how good those wolf bats are, we're gonna beat them tonight!" Korra said, pumping her fist. Mako laughed, holding a hand out to Gya. She rolled her eyes, tossing him his water bottle. He caught it with ease. "Yeah, I have a good feeling about tonight." Mako said before taking a drink from his water. "There it is folks, fire ferrets with the championship!" Bolín said with his best announcement voice. Gya laughed, standing from her spot and walking over to Korra. "You guys are gonna do great." The radio suddenly started to static when a voice began to speak. "Hello republic city this is Amon. I hope you enjoyed last nights pro bending match. Because it will be the last. The time of people worshiping bending athletes has come to an end. Council members, I advise you shut down the bending arena today. Or there will be consequences." The group of four all looked at each other with worry. "The nerve of that guy." Bolín said, glaring at the radio. "Do you think the council will give in?" Mako asked Korra and Gya. "They might if they think peoples lives are in danger." Gya responded, Korra began to take off her gear. "We need to head to city hall, now."


Korra busted the doors open, her and Gya walking in together. "Korra, Gya this is a closed meeting, you can't be here." Tenzin said, standing from his seat. "As the avatar and pro bender I have the right to be heard. You can't shut down the arena. We need to stand against Amon." Tenzin shook his head. "I think it's the best and safest opinion Korra." Korra turned to Torrlak. "What about you? Don't you want to bring him down?!" Torrlak stood, glancing at Tenzin. "For once me and Tenzin agree. I do want to take a stand against Amon but I will not put peoples lives at risk so you and your friends can play a game." Gya was surprised he wasn't a selfish prick for once. "Pro bending might just be a game to you but it's a place we're benders and none benders come together!" Mako said, standing firm. "If you close the arena you let Amon win." Korra called, but Gya was silent. She agreed with both sides of this argument and stood neutral. "I'm sorry but  the decision is finally." Torrlak went to bring down his gavel. But before he could a metal wire flew in. Cutting the head off the gavel. Gya was surprised to see it was Chief Beifong. "For once I agree with the Avatar." She called, Gya raised an eyebrow. "You do?" She asked, questioning if this was real. "I expect this cut and run response from Tenzin but the rest of you? Show some backbone. Keep the arena open and I will provide security with my men. Our armor prevents us from chi blocker attacks." She said, Torrlak smiled. Turning back to the council. "Chief Beifong and her men are strong. And if she has promised her protection then I change my vote. Who else is with me." All but Tenzin raised their hands. The three fire ferrets cheered. But Gya was silent, she had a bad feeling. Gyas father went to speak with Lin. Gya sneered, knowing that they dated once. She shook that idea off. Walking out of the building with her friends.


Gya stood in front of Korra with a smile. Holding Korra by her shoulders. "You got this tonight." She said, fixing her helmet before watching her walk to the platform. The wolf bats entrance was super over the top. With fire works and music. Making Gya scoff at them. Gya noticed immediately that the ref was paid off. Calling fouls on the fire ferrets but none for the wolf bats. Who kept cheating. So these guys aren't good enough to play fair huh? The first round was almost a knock out. But Korra held the edge, throwing Mako over the edge. He was able to knock down the wolf bats. Making them win the first round. Round two was decided with a tie breaker. Korra vs the unimportant team leader. She beat him with an uppercut that knocked him out immediately. Gya laughed at the guys face. The last round was won by the wolf bats from an illegal head shot. That's when a pit in Gya's gut formed. Something was wrong. Electricity crackled all around them. People screaming as chaos erupted. Gya looked down to her friends who were I the water under the stage. Amon's right hand man stood on a platform. Electrocuting the water her friends were in. Her eyes widened when she saw them sinking under the water unconscious. Gya jumped down kicking the man in the face. He stumbled back from her attack. But recovered quickly. He ran towards her with his electric rods. Trying to zap her, she dodged his attacks. Using her air bending to jump over him. "Why don't you use your bending on me huh?!" The man asked, Gya didn't respond. Instead faked a left punch and went in with a leg swoop. He hit the group hard with a gasp. She went to attack again when she felt her body seize. A burning current running up her body. She screamed out and collapsed to the ground. The world fading to black.


Gya woke up to a head bumping hers softly. She was tied to a support beam next to her friends. She tried to struggle but couldn't move. "Good your awake." Mako said, he frowned and looked around. "How are we supposed to get out of here?" He asked, that's when they noticed Pabu swimming towards them. Pabu ran up to Bolín who made chattering noises. "Bolín stop messing around." Mako said, Bolín pouted at him. "I'm not, I'm trying to save us." Pabu leaned forward, chewing on the rope that bound them. "See, Pabu is a smart boy." They all smiled at Bolín. Pabu stopped when an explosion occurred above them. But it didn't take long for him to set them free. The moment they were free Korra and Gya ran forward. Looking up and seeing Amon getting away in an air ship. "We're going after Amon!" Korra called, jumping to the water. She propelled herself in the air with her water while Gya used her air. When they were halfway Korra suddenly stop. Luckily Beifong was there, catching Korra and throwing her the rest of the way. Korra kicked two men off their rope. She grabbed one while Gya grabbed the other. They looked up and saw Amon, Korra sent fire up at him into the airship. When she stopped two men dropped down. But Beifong took care of one. Two more men came down the ropes Gya and Korra were on. Causing them to fall. They were able to land on their feet. "Gya I know you don't want to use your bending on people but I need you in this fight." Korra said, watching her with desperate eyes. Gya sighed, she knew she'd have to. But she still felt bad. She nodded, watching four men go to attack Beifong. Taking a deep breath Gya used her airbending to knock one down. Before running forward. The man that knocked her out earlier went to attack Beifong. Korra sent a kick of fire at the man. Right after Gya sent a gust of wind to pin him for a moment. He got up quickly, swinging at Gya with his weapons. She dropped down, letting Korra use her as a stepping stool to jump off of. Kneeing the man right in the nose. Gya sent an airstream from her hands into his face. Making him fly backwards. Korra jumped forward, grabbing his arm to block an attack before elbow him in the nose. Gya sent one finally whip of air at him as Korra sent a kick of fire. They stood next to each other after he rolled off the roof when they heard a crack. The glass beneath their feet gave out. Causing them to fall through the roof. Gya couldn't bend like this nor could Korra. They spotted Beifong falling towards them. Korra grabbed Gya, catching the metal rope Beifong sent to her. They swung through the air before hitting the concert ground hard. Gya sat up slowly. Her body aching, Korra was next to her. "Are you two alright." Gya nodded, taking Beifongs hand and standing. "Yes, thanks to you." Korra said, they heard footsteps behind them and turned to see Bolín and Mako. Mako grabbed the two girls and pulled them into a hug. "I'm so glad you two are alright." Bolín pulled them into a group hug and Gya flinched slightly. "Oh sorry." Bolín said, cringing when he noticed the bruises already forming on the girl. They all turned to look at the damage that had been done by Amon. And Gya knew a war would be coming.

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