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AfO's real name will be Drake because I forgot his real name T-T

Michaels pov

I walked through the lobby of the airport trying to find my way out it was hard but I finally got it. First sibling and only... Enji. I walked until I got to his address just to find out he's missing. I sighed and sat down on some stairs. I need more info. I walked around and asked where he was last seen and what not. The Hero Commission.

Meanwhile with Enji

Enji sat there waiting for something to happen. He was supposed to be interviewed by some cops and others. A detective came in and sat down. "So, Enji right? My names Detective Jones." He said. Enji stared at him. "Why did you kill the first victim?" Was his first question and Enji answered, "She was a asshole." Then more questions and with each one Enji became more angry and annoyed. Enji ended up killing the guy.

With the Pros And LoV

Dabi sighed. "So you want us to go out there and say 'Enji has been kidnapped by the Hero Commission and is also being experimented on' correct?" Hawks shook his head yes. "Ok, and how do you expect us to get him out?" Shiggy asked. "Simple, the Commission will be so caught up in trying to keep the citizens calm they won't be focused on Enji." Shouta Explained. "Alright, but the only reason we are doing this is because it gives us a reason to out the Hero Commission." AfO explained hiding his anger.

Later that week

Enji sat there waiting for something to happed and it did. Someone came through the door and didn't explain, just rushed him out and to am abandoned house. "Sorry for the rush. My names Michael your nephew." He said. Enji stood in shock.

Sorry it's rushed!

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