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Ok, I lied

Enji sat there staring at Toga, Shigaraki, and Dabi. "So what do you want?" Enji asked. "Well, what's your name?" Toga asked. "Enji, Enji Todoroki." He answered. The trio was stuned. "N-nice to meet you." The crusty dude said. Shigaraki glared at the others and had a secession conversation with them. "I'll be back." Shigaraki said and left the table. "Soo, why'd he leave?" Enji asked. "He needed to make a phone call." Dabi said. Oh, Enji thought. The three sat there in silence until Shigaraki came back. "So, I just asked my 'dad' if you can come over and stay with us for a while. He said yes." Shiggy said as he sat down. "Um.. ok," Enji was confused but went along with it.

After a while of drinks and laughter, the four went to the hideout and crashed there. Enji was the last to wake up. He had to collect his memories before he did anything else. He sighed and sat up. "Morning." Kuriguri said. "Morning." Enji mumbled. He wasn't used to people being around so much, but he surprisingly enjoyed it. He hung out with this guy named Hawks and someone named Compass. He laughed more than he ever did before. "So Enji, what's your story?" Kuroguri asked. Since it was just the two of them at the moment, he figured he could trust him. "W-well, I had siblings." Enji said sadly. "Had?" Kuri asked. "Yeah, had. They died in a fire... and my parents changed our name." Enji vented to Kuri, and Kuri was there for him even held him like a son. Kuri learned a lot from that moment. Kyri cared about kids a lot, so his father instinct kicked in when Enji started crying. Kuri held Enji till he fell asleep, then carried him to bed. It was no surprise when the rest were playing video games. Kuri smiled as he set down Enji. He went over to the rest and tapped them on the shoulder, telling them to be quiet, pointing at Enji, who was sound asleep on the bed.

I will write more! I really enjoy this one.

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