Harry Potter au

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This one I've been wanting to write for a while  so basically Ronald, Quackity and Enji are this group of mischievous people in disguise of coures but they are all from different houses, Quackity from Ravenclaw, Enji from Slytherin, and Ron from Griffendor.

How they met-
   Ron's pov

   I was bored out of my mind waiting for the two new students who where taking forever. It's been like a hour sense they had introduced them and  I had to give them a small tour around the place.
  They finally walked in. One was a Ravenclaw and the other a Slytherim.
"Hi, sorry we're late we had to find our way here." The Red hair boy said. "It's fine I guess." I said. "My names Alex Quackity." The Raven claw announced. "Ron, Ron Weasley. And you?" I said. "Enji Todoroki." He answered. "K, follow me."
   After a while of showing them around I got bored so I decided to do something funny to the slytherin trio. It was funny mostly cause I saw them fall over from it. Quackity and Enji both hid a laugh and so did I at least until we got around the corner and we all started laughing and since that day we have been friends.

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