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LOVES FINEST | neymar jr
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★ ★ ★

There were quite a few paparazzi when we arrived at the restaurant, which I expected. However I didn't really mind it. I often forgot how famous Neymar was.

     We got into the restaurant, without much of a fuss. The paparazzi were actually being respectful, as Neymar was with family. They just took loads of pictures, a few of them lingering around outside for when we going to leave.

     We were seated at a table that was furthest away from the window as possible. I got comfortable in my seat, and I looked all around the place.

It was so well put together. There was all sorts of beautiful plants that were dangling on the ceiling, with flowers. The restaurant itself was quite big, it had a small cocktail bar, and there was a chocolate fountain next to it.

Omg. I definitely need to get something from there after the meal.

"Good evening and welcome." The man greeted as we all sat comfortably in our seats. I could tell the man was excited to be serving us.

Rafa was sat next to me, while Nadine, Neymar Sr and Neymar sat opposite it.

"Here are your menus." He spoke, giving us a menu each. "I will give you time to decide your order, and I'll be back shortly."

Once he left, we all looked at our menus to decide what we wanted. There was so much stuff on here, I didn't know what to choose.

I felt a foot kick mine and I knew it was Neymar as he was sat directly opposite me. I looked up from my menu to narrow my eyes at him. He stretched his legs out, making me have to separate mine as he kept his legs in between my legs.  He smiled to himself and I hid my face with my menu.

      When the waiter came back, I started to panic because I haven't decided what I want yet. When he got to me, I just said the first thing I saw when I looked at the menu again.

     Why did I do this to myself.

     "I'm glad we could all make it." Nadine spoke up once the waiter had gone. Nadine was truly a beautiful woman, and I was very grateful that she had invited me out to dinner with her family.

"Well we almost didn't make it." Neymar Sr spoke, eyeing his son. "Because someone decided to take their sweet time getting ready, which almost made us miss our reservation."

Neymar picked his head up and frowned. "Right—"

"But it's fine." Nadine interrupted, patting her husbands shoulder. "Because we didn't miss it."

     Rafa silently laughed to herself and she pulled her phone out, occasionally joining in with the conversations we were all having. She handed me her phone with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

     I took it and on the screen was a picture of me and Neymar, about to walk in the restaurant. He was stood behind me, his front was pressed up against my back as we walked. This was because there were a few paparazzi around us and he didn't to loose me in the crowd of them. We were dangerously close and I just knew that loads of people were now going to take this out of proportion.

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘁, neymar jrWhere stories live. Discover now