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And so it is done. My cute little story is complete, off on its own to entertain those who will read it. So for those now finishing, Ethan and Jackson's epilogue :)

Ethan's POV


Emelia's voice rang through the silent house and startled me and Jackson out of a deep sleep.

"DAD. COME HERE. NOW." she shrieked.

I sighed and began my struggle to sit up. "Baby, want me to?" Jackson chuckled. "No, I got it." I brushed off. She kept screaming as I stumbled down the stairs and to the source of the screaming.

"DAD SERIOUSL-" "I'm here, I'm here have sympathy, it's four in the morning and I'm old." I exasperated walking into her room.

"Dad look! Sophie has a boy over! None the less in my room!" Emelia pointed to a very shocked Sophie with a boy next to her on the bed looking just as distressed. "Uck." I am way tired for this.

"Um you," I point to the boy. "Just come bck tomorrow, it's late. Sophie go get ready for bed and hop into bed with dad, and Emelia sit down for a second." I kept my voice calm and un-alarming, everyone nodded and shot to their different directions while I struggled into the purple reading chair from all those years ago.

"Dad," Emelia started. She sat across from me in a pink crop top and black short shorts, her hair was tousled and she was wearing makeup but she didn't smell like alcohol, for that, I am grateful. "She is with a boy. A boy dad and you didn't even yell at him! All he wants is to hurt Soph and use her and-" "Emelia. Calm down," I interrupted.

"Listen, she may have been with a boy that she literally just met at some party you two snuck off to but you know Soph, she doesn't do anything unless she's sure. She's sophisticated, smart and funny so no wonder there's a boy waiting on her hand and foot, she gets them all the time, but he would have to be pretty high quality to have Sophia Ann Myers bring him home, yeah?"

She nodded silently.

"So don't worry about it. Worry about how grounded you are for sneaking out to  party." I smiled at my daughter to let her know I was joking and she grinned back. "Now go to bed! Men need beauty sleep too." I left so she could change and go to sleep. Now onto the other one.

"Everything okay?" I turned and looked down the dark hall. Anthony, my third and final, said. "Yes baby." I switched on a light and walked to my sleepy boy. "Emelia was just fussing about Sophie again." He nodded sleepily and I picked him up. "Oof!" I gasped. "You're almost too big for me to pick up mr. nine-years-old!" He smiled while I put him in bed and kissed his cheek. "Night dad," he mumbled before going under.

The lights were off when I dragged myself back to the room. Sophie laid in bed with my husband peacefully. I leaned onto the door frame and took all but a moment to admire my family. My cute human family that is all mine forever. I rubbed my stomach smiled, as much as I love babies, my daughter wont dare have one at seventeen.

I flipped the lights and walked over to my husband's side of the bed. I squat down and kiss his cheeks. "Babe? We need to have a talk with Sophie"

He grunts in response.

"About safe sex and boys..." I add heedfully. His eyes open immediately. "What?" he croaks. I sit on the bed behind Sophie and rub her arm. "Sophie?" I stop momentarily to shake her into consciousness. When I know she's awake, I continue to rub her arm comfortingly.

"So, one. Who was that boy? Two, why would you bring him into Emi's room? You have your own." she shrugged sadly but didn't turn to face us. "Boy?" Jackson interjects. I nudge him with my elbow and give him a "Don't" look.

"His name is Brendon." I could hear the tears in her voice. "And now he hates me because you and Emi scared him away." she sniffed. "Hey," I whispered gently. "I'm sorry we weirded Brendon out, but I'll make you a deal hm? You can see him tomorrow and you can even take the car, if you want to bring him home then, just text me and I'll clear everyone out and it can be just you two."

Jackson tensed so hard I thought he was going to pull something, I gripped his hand, be strong.

"Really?" came Sophie's despair dripped answer. "mm-hm." I answered "but this does include birth control you leave- downstairs in my vitamin cabinet- a safe sex talk and a purse full of condoms before you go see him." Sophie turned around with a grin and sat up to hug me. "I love you so much." Jackson almost popped a vein.

She retreated to her room to go to bed and I laid back in bed with my husband. "I can not believe she just got the okay for that," Jackson sighed. "She's too young." I smile and kiss Jackson, "And how old was I when we had them again?" He shrugged it off and we fell back asleep.

Even if he was uncomfortable with the situation, I don't think I could be happier. I am living a normal, happy, married life. My daughters are growing up and doing human teenage things, I have my sweet little boy, and as I see it, life is great.

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