Seven Kisses

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Chapter Seven: Seven Kisses

Why wouldn't you profess love?
You stare at him
You dream about him
You love him
You know the relationship will be difficult
But you shouldn't care
Because a boy won't change who you are
Not your faith
Not your holiness
We were born sinners and God forgave every and all of your sins before you knew you would even commit them
So why wouldn't you profess something so pure and happy?
Just because the bible says not to?


"Ethan!" I call, I hear his frustrated sigh and his feet come padding down the hallway. "Is dinner ready?" He asks. "Yes it is." I smile at his hungry hopefulness, for an angel, he certainly is a glutton.

For the first half of the night, we chat normally. He tells me about his book, Fahrenheit 451, about 'firemen' who burn books if people are caught with them in the alternate universe where books are not allowed. I tell him about sushi and sea food, how it came about and the different kinds.

It isn't until desert when I'm making sundaes that I ask him about kissing. "Ethan," I catch his attention, "why do you like kissing so much?" His face lights up and walks over to the counter I'm leaning on with ice cream in hand.

"Because," he begins, "it's so loving! It's a way to physically show someone you love them without telling them! It's so wonderful and when you do it, it burn calories and releases endorphins that make you happy and the whole human idea of a kiss is just so sweet!" He finishes with eyes the size of the moon and a smile on his face.

Should I reply? Go for it? He expects an answer of some sort. I push myself off the counter and grab his face to make him look up at me, I peck the top of his head, his forehead, the tip of his nose, his right cheek, then his left, his chin all in one moment, but stop when I get to his lips. I lean in slowly, growing anticipation, his hands are tangled in my shirt and pulling me closer, it's time to do this.

Our lips finally meet, they're soft and plump, and very inexperienced. He tries to kiss back but is lost in his mind, after wanting this so bad, who wouldn't be? Ethan wraps his arms around my neck and pulls my face closer, while I enclose my hands around his waist and pull his small frame into mine. As an angel, I don't know how far he can go with a first kiss, with religious abstinence and such, but tongue never hurt anyone.

Soon we were making out, and things were heated, this was not what I planned, but, the feeling he gave was warm and addicting. He tasted of chocolate and lemon sweets, he smelled like candy. And something about it made me stay, but you know what candy is to an adult. Something that feels good for a moment, and guilty for a while.

Finally, I separate myself from him, and lean my forehead on his, smiling. His eyes were closed and he was sucking on his bottom lip, smiling. I'm so, so glad I decided to do this.

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