Six Days

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Chapter Six: Six Days

"Genesis 2:2
On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he resteda from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation."


I have yet to find a job in six days, not that I particularly need one. I have yet to experience luck, good or bad, in six days. But in six days, I got to know the guardian angel that protects me.

I learned the little tings about him that made me love him. He likes to remember his dreams after he wakes up, and gets excited when he gets to tell me, he likes perfect high fives and proving me wrong even when I'm right. He enjoys bending bendy straws for hours on end and getting piggyback rides to bed or the ocean, he enjoys reading most of all, and spends most of him time doing so, but not as much as he likes to watch people kiss.

Something about two people, whether in a book or on Netflix, kissing intrigues him. He'll have me rewind make out scenes a humorous amount o times and each time his eyes get wider and his face lights up. What I also have learned about him is that he finds others' good fortune exciting. He grants me small things, like being able to find something on the first try or friends just calling to say hey, and it makes Ethan so ecstatic.

For the past three days though, after only three of watching others kiss, he decided he wanted to kiss me. The thought of it was shocking and mildly repulsing at first, to kiss an eighteen year old magical being in a dead boy's body. No. But I let him talk, which I learned to never let Ethan do. He is persuasive, too persuasive. He would talk about why he needed to have a kiss for hours and hours. "As an angel, I like to feel loved." he'd say, or, "I like to make you happy, so I should be able to kiss you!" and about now, only knowing this kid for six and a half days, I want to kiss him.

Ethan is sitting and reading as he does, and I'm tempted to walk up to him and kiss his face all over. His lips, his forehead, his cheeks, his lips.. But for now, I best not. He dislikes to be interrupted. Because as I have learned what he does like, I had the unfortunate luck of finding out what he dislikes. Cold water, hot water, the sound of a pencil scratching, being interrupted, pants with holes in them, salad, wet hair, swear words, yogurt, frogs that yell, birds that yell, yelling, stairs, walking etc. the list goes on and on.

I turn to continue making our dinner. Sushi, since he seems to like fish. He's attractive and sweet, but I might be confused since I am housing what seems to be a supernatural being. However, confused or not, I want to kiss him, and by tonight at least, I intend to.

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