And Twelve Strikes the Clock

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Final Chapter Twelve: And Twelve Strikes the Clock

"And now it's time for one last bow
Like all your other selves
Eleven's hour is over now
The clock is striking Twelve's"


"Jackson?" I'm going insane.

"Jackson wake up" his sweet voice whispered

"Please Jackson, I'll give you a kiiiiiss!" He teased. This is my imagination. I think it's a step in the right direction. I'm greiving and imagining his voice that's all.

A harsh poke came to my cheek, "Don't be dead." I furrowed my eyebrows and pulled my eyes open. I was met with my angel sitting on his knees with his head turned sideways and arm stretched to my face.

"Jackson!" he smiled and patted my cheek. "You're not even excited to see me?" He said sarcastically and got down on the bed. "I told you so many times Jackson, I'm staying here."

He's back

"I'm not an angel anymore." he sadly professed. "What?" I looked at him with disbelief. "there are angels on earth Jackson." He looks me in the eyes. "Ones that watch humans come and go in the blink of an eye. I want to die with you instead of watching it happen. It just took me a little longer to get here than if I could appear where I'd like." My eyes drift to the painting on the wall, Sii felice it says. Why not?

"Me too" We smiled at eachother wider than either of us had ever smiled.

"He allowed me to keep one power." Ethan said. "Really? Which did you choose" I asked. "The power to make personal miracles happen" Ethan said, rushing the last part, making me laugh. "What's that mean? Refilling the fridge when I'm too lazy to shop?" I teased.

He smiled. "Yes actually, but I had something else in mind..." Ethan's face was tinted red. "I can make miracles happen for kids" he said embarrassed, though I didn't quite get it. "What does that mean? You can make kids unlimited ice cream?" I asked.

"No!" he scolded, "I can.. Have kids." Ethan stumbled. "So I could get you pregnant?" I asked, horrified. He shrugged with the face of a cherry, sensitive subject for an 18 year old I guess. "They will just come, I don't know how. But if we want, we could make a family. Get a dog, a child?" I smiled at him.

"Anything you want."

And so they married two years later on the beach, not even a mile from their cute little beach house when everything had began. And on that day they both learned, sometimes what seems to be the worst thing ever, could be the best thing ever. The end." I stood up and yawned.

Both girls made an annoyed noise.

"No it's not dad." Emelia groaned

"You're forgetting the baby part!" Sophia's sweetly quiet voice piped in, "that's my favorite part!"

"Oh yeah you're right!" I bonked myself on the head and sat back down on the reading chair.

"A year after the boys married they had gotten used to each other's presence in the house. Ethan was now used to his human body and could control not only the body, but his speech as well. But he did miss his old life as a star a little bit. So on the anniversary of their wedding, Ethan explained to Jackson that he was completely in love with him, even though he missed his old life and proposed they try out his one last power. And they did. At some point in the eight month period after they made their wish, God told Ethan he would have the babies soon.

Babies? Plural?

It was in the ninth month after the wish that they came. All of a sudden, there was screaming from the pre-made nursery. Jackson ran faster than Ethan and got to the room first, to be met with two little bundles of pink in the crib. He walked cautiously to the crib and picked up the screaming children.

Jackson didn't lay the two girls down yet when Ethan came in the room panting. He looked at Jackson, then the girls, then back to Jackson and walked to them all. He watch them peacfully coo and blink their new eyes, attepting to take in the big world. They were no longer crying when held.

They allowed the girls to ajust while Jackson took the time of birth of the two twin girls and recorded their physial appearances.

Brown hair.
Brown eyes on one.
Blue on the other,
Fair skin.
Baby pudge.
And pink blankets covering them from the newfound cold. The one with blue eyes took more from Ethan than Jackson and the one with brown eyes took more from Jackson than Ethan. The blue eyed girl was signficantly smaller than her sister with much paler skin, like her father, but she had her daddy's baby blues. The brown eyed girl was tan already and quite long or a new born, like her father, she had brown eyes that looked hazel in the sun.

"Emelia" Ethan whispered

"Hm?" Jacson was so entranced by the girls, he nearly missed the name.

"I want her to be named Emelia Ann Myers please." Ethan pointed at the tan one. "And Sophia Eve Myers." He pointed at the pale one, and smiled lightly at his husband.

Jackson nodded and put the two girls in their crib. Jackson had the family he had dreamt about, and he could never be happier. The end." I concluded.

Sophie smiled and Emi 'aww'd "Thats my favorite part!" Sophie exclaimed, nussling into her bed. I stood from the purple chair in between my daughters beds and smiled.

"And who would have thought that six whole years after that they'd be having another baby!" I said in mock disbeleif.

Both the girls' mouths dropped open. "Wait what?" Emi inquired nervously. "But it's only a story," Sophie logically explained to her sister. "Dad and Daddy adopted us Emi." She said in her bravest teasing tone. "No!" she protested. "God blessed them with us!" Emi yelled at her sister who rolled her eyes. Athiests, what're you gonna do?

"Alright we will disscuss the topic of an accidental brother in the morning, good night!" I laughed and stalked over to the door and looked at my beautiful girls. "Night." They said in sync, I smiled and turned off their light before exiting the room.

In the living room Ethan was laying on the couch with his hand on his stomach and a book hovering over his head. A thing he only did when "pregnant," 'It calms the baby,' he says, 'it's like I'm reading to it and cuddling it.' He'd say. 'I know the girls came from us I just know it!' He believed. I thought he was full of shit.

"What story did you tell tonight that got them an extra hour of stay up time?" He questioned when he saw me enter. "Ours." I smiled. He rolled over and put down his book so I could lay with him. "That one's my favorite. It's a story still being written kind of!" He mused and wrapped his arms around my middle. I laughed and threw my arm over his shoulder.

"I know, I had to add in the new baby today," he smiled widley. "Then the next and the next?" He asked. I don't know if I want twenty children with an ex-star life force, but the way he looked up at me so hopeful, I knew that I'd willingly have sixty with him.

"And the next and the next and the next" I assured. He smiled and closed his eyes.

"I love you Jackson."

"I love you angel"

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