Thinking Twice

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Chapter Two: Thinking Twice

"We live,
On a blue planet.
That circles around a flaming ball of gas.
Next to a moon,
That controls the oceans.
If you tell me that you don't believe in miracles
I'll point out the fact
That we are made out of stardust
And stars are made of earth dust
And there are stars
Made of earth dust
Billions of galaxies away
If you still don't believe then,
Take a look at us
And tell me you're not my miracle"


"Jackson Myers, you're about to be happy." He said I laughed loudly in disbelief. He knows my name. This is a prank.

"Am I? What's your name?" He smiled a bit wider and sat on his knees, dropping his sheet in the process. "I'm..." He smiled enthusiastically but he trailed off less so. "I don't know," I rolled my eyes. What kind of prank is this? "Oh okay. Well, your name is Ethan now." I said sarcastically, this is most definitely James. I'll play along.

He got so excited he jumped from his spot and hugged me roughly. "Thank yousomuch! He said that you wouldn't acceptmeatfirstand and he saidguesswhat he said he saidthat you'd getloudandnotlikemeatfirstbutI'd like growonyou and in the endwe haveasurprisebuthewouldn'ttellme because because we'reonlyenergylifeformswhocanknownothingof thefuture like untilit happensunless it willinterferelikewhenyouaregonnadieIhavetoknowsothatIcanleaveagain-"

"woah woah woah. Woah. Calm down I didn't hear 100% of what you just said." His arms loosened on my neck and he smiled apologetically.

"So tell me where you live Ethan," I inquired standing up and away from the nude boy. He can't be of age. Possibly but based on his size/face, there's no way, and with my luck I'd go to prison for child rape. "I was hoping here," he said like it was obvious. Why James is even pranking me? "Oh yes of course! What was I thinking?" I bonked myself on the head and he giggled a bit.

"So Ethan how old are you? Where'd you come from?" I turned to my dresser, leaving the naked boy to find his clothes and get dressed. So I thought anyway. "1809, I'm from Rendezvous!" He stated proudly. Ugh. I'm done. "Alright, I'm done with this prank who are you and," I turned to look at him confused on my bed. "Why are you naked?"

"Prank...?" He trailed off looking genuinely bewildered. "Who sent you to my house, James? Davis?" I asked a bit more slowly, whoever is was, sent a mentally retarded kid to my house. "I don't think you understand Jackson Myers, I'm- you wished on me last night! I'm here to improve your luck." He smiled as if he pitied my obliviousness. "Cut it kid what's your name?"

He seemed shocked, like he didn't know I'd be angry about this, but he didn't cut the act. "I'm serious, you looked at me and wished so he sent me here!" He pleaded. He stood form the bed and came over to where I was shirtless, "he told me you wouldn't believe me but we're good for each other in 2 to 3 monks!" He tugged on my arm and looked at me sadly. "Monks?" I asked

"Is that not a word? I don't know who's body this is but they recently passed away, they have their brain. I have a basic knowing of words..." He seemed so shocked and confused. Like an actor... James I swear to god.

"So you're one of James' students? Little prodigy I see. Whatever. Get dressed, I'll go call James." James is my college friend who wanted to be an acting teacher, he's a high school play director/acting teacher. I'm sure he heard about Alyssa through Tris and sent one of his seniors to cheer me up. I walked into the kitchen in my sweat pants and picked up my home phone dialing James.

You got me I laughed when he picked up.
I what?
Got me. With the kid.
The what? Dude what are you talking about?
He began to laugh a bit, while I thought.
Okay seriously. Shut up, this prank isn't funny. Where do I drop this kid off, he won't tell me.
Dude not my prank he laughed
Shut up yes it is. I snorted
Um no? He burst into hysterics and hung up.

Wishing And Wondering ⚣Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ