You Have Four Seconds to Explain

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Chapter Four: You Have Four Seconds to Explain

"When things get crazy
And I get mad
You stay calm
So next time I freak out
Soothe me
Love me
Kiss me
I only get mad because I care

Oh look at me, I'm gonna do that super annoying writer thing where I change povs for a chapter!
"But that's unprofessional writing and so annoying!"
Fight me???
"I waited nearly a month for this!?"
Fight me???
"What??????? You skipped around in points of time?? But that's sooo hard to keep track of!"
Fight me???


I've never felt this, strange. I've felt sadness, and it does not feel good, but this is like a little more than sadness but I can't place it. My heart felt like it hurt, and my throat hurt and my eyes hurt and my skin felt weird, not hurting, but weird. I once again cried, my eyes pooled warm water drops and I felt sad. Jackson had been yelling at me and I guess I know why, but, that's not how things are to be. His life is taking a better path!

"ETHAN! Do you even hear me? You're in so much trouble!" Jackson shouted, my throat felt so horrible. It's like some kind of weird tickle on the inside, but, it hurt too. My throat was straining itself harshly "I know bu-" my voice was quiet and cut itself off, I can't even tell him why it happened!!

Jackson sighed deeply and threw his hand up in the air, "okay." He said. "But what Ethan? Hm? You know but what?" He wasn't yelling anymore but it made me feel somehow so much worse. I opened my mouth to speak and all that came out was a very ugly sound. All the air was gone from my lungs and water found its way from my eyes to my chin to the floor. The tightness all over was gone except in my heart.

It ached slightly more as I made horridly loud noises and my face was wet with tears and snot. Only once had Jackson yelled at me and I had cried, I couldn't control my body especially not the first day, but he hugged me and I listened to his heart thump, and somehow, it helped. That's what I need. A hug. I stretched out my arms and walked over to where Jackson was standing shocked at my emotional flare-up.

He greeted me with open arms and snuggled in between my neck and shoulder. I put my head on his stomach, which never seemed soft, but felt nice anyway, and listened to the beating of his heart. His human heart that pumps him much needed blood so he can take oxygen from his lungs so he can transport it into his cells and his cells can procreate to fix his lungs which help him breathe in the air that his mouth takes in which also takes in food for the stomach that can separate the very substance of food and bring energy to the entire body and brain so it can think about how nice the food tasted and how full he is so that the brain could tell if the body needs more energy for the cells and tells the heart to pump it up a bit. With this heart, all of Jackson is working together in harmony. And it's amazing.

My cries have turned into small hiccuping sniffles. Jackson is still rubbing my back and giving me occasional tight squeezes, I'm sorry that you can't see how $25000 doesn't matter. Because, he will give you more than you'll ever dream of. I pulled away and Jackson wiped away my tears and handed me a tissue for my nose. "I-" I could only say a word before taking a huge and involuntary shaky breath. "I'm sorr-ry that I mad-d you h-have no money." it was the most I could get out. My throat was only a bit tight but still straining.

"It's okay. We'll figure it out somehow but please don't cry anymore okay? What would you like to make you feel better?" He asked kindly. He was still annoyed but I was grateful for the soft act. "Books?" My voice was almost too hopeful, I can't fully read, but Harry Potter is my favorite book, Jackson reads it to me I'm only on chapter four.

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