Chapter 8-Sleepover in a mansion? Sure!

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Here's chapter 8 for ya!!!! Sorry I haven't written in so long it's just I lost passion and inspiration for this story but its starting to come back thanks to you guys!!! And just one more thing...HOLY FUDGING MOTHER OF A DONKEY OVER 1000 READS?! U guys r cra cra!!!! Don't worry crazy in a good way:D


    We had finally fell into easy conversation with his parents and I think even his dad was warming up to me! 

    "I think you kids should stay the night because well, I don't want you two having to drive in the dark. Especially not while carrying such precious cargo." His mother winked at me causing my cheeks to blush even though in the inside I was smiling. I've never been this close to adults before. It felt so good, I almost yearned for them to be my parents. His dad smiled at the comment and added a nod or two before turning towards his wife. 

    "Sweetie can you help me with dinner?" He asked. 

    "Oh, but dear, Reda is doing that." They have servants? Ok, they must be really rich. 

    "Well, we should help her." Her dad quickly replied, a razor sharp tone starting to creep its way into his voice. His wife gave him a puzzled look, but followed him reluctantly into the other room. I turned to Jake who was equally as puzzled, but we both just brushed it off.  

    "So my parents both seem to love you. See I told you you had nothing to worry about." Jake smiled. 

    "Yeah, your parents are so nice!" 

    "Unless you crashed their car." Jake laughed. 

    "You crashed your car?" 

    "I crashed my dad's car, which I think is worse then crashing your own car." He smiled amused at my shocked reaction. 

    "How'd you manage to do that?" 

    "Well I was taking it for a little joyride one day-" I heard voices starting to rise from the other room. I tuned out Jake for a second to hear what they were saying. 

    "We can't tell him while she's here, it'll break the poor girls heart!" I heard Margeret protest. Oh-no that can't be good. I couldn't hear anymore so I tuned Jake back in as if switching radio stations. 

    "-and that's when I got grounded for a hole Summer!" Jake finished his story laughing. 

    "Sorry what did you say?"  

    "Well, I was driving and a raccoon ran across the road and I swerved out of the way and crashed into a ditch! Yeah I spent that whole Summer bored out of my mind." 

    "And you deserved it too." His dad added entering the room with a cheeky smile. His mom followed in after shaking her head probably thinking 'boys sometimes'. Atleast that's what I would have been thinking. Before anyone could say anything though a bell rang. I nearly jumped out of my skin! 

    "Oh! There's the dinner bell!" Margeret chimed. They have a dinner bell? Who the hell has a dinner bell? 

     "Come on, let's go eat!" Jake and his dad whooped. I silently followed the presession into what could only be the dining room. It was stunning! Filled with a long dining table all set with sparkling silverwear and crystal wing glasses. Even the chairs were elegant with their fancy curves and cream upholstering. The huge dangling crystal chandelier only added to the affect. We all took our seats and I ended up beside Margeret and across from Jake. A rounded woman, I'm guessing Reda, walked in with a huge salad bowl. She placed it on the table before running back through the doorway and reappearing with a plateful of salmon. She placed one on each of our plates. Oh my gosh this smelled amazing! Even the look of it made my mouth fill with saliva. Reda stood beside Margeret with a sweet smile. 

     "Dig in!" I almost dove into my food. Don't mind if I do!

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