chapter 15

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i woke up and kian wasn't beside me i smelt bacon i ran downstairs and saw kian making breakfast for me because he is leaving today. he handed me a plate of bacon and toast. then he gave me some orange juice.

"thank you, you really didn't have to do all this"

"yes i did because this is my last day until i come back from the tour ok which will be like a month or so"


We went upstairs and i helped him pack his bags for his tour, i could help but shed a tear. he looked at me and wiped the tear off my face. he kissed me and i thought that may be the last kiss until he comes back in 2 months. which i cant help but be sad, we sat down and waited for JC to call Kian. We heard his phone go off and jc told him that we needed to drive the area to meet up for him to get on the tour bus. we got in the car and rove to the tour bus we got out and Kian pushed me onto the car kissing me all i heard was all the boys saying "awwwwee".

We looked at them and i started to blush and smile i hugged kian i couldnt believe that this is his last day until he sees me in 2 months.

"ill miss you"

"ill miss you too"

"love you see you in 2 months call me when you get there or later when you're still on the bus"

"okay ill call you as soon as i can"

"love you"

"love you too"

i saw him walk onto the bus and i started to cry and i saw him get on his phone and put it up to his face. my phone started to buzz i answered it, it was kian calling me.

"miss you"

i saw the bus drive off and i started cry again.

( 1 month later)

i cooked breakfast and sat down watching tv and i was crying because i missed kian so much. i felt at tap on my shoulder i turned around and saw that it was kian. i jumped onto him and kissed him.

"were you crying?"


"dont cry"

"why are yo home so early"

"tour ended early because sam got sick"

"ewww but  text him and tell him that i hope he feels better"

" okay"

"there is some food on the counter if you want some"


"So how was the tour?"

"Actually pretty fun"

"Oh cool I'm just happy your back"

"So am I"

"Love you"

"Love you too"

He kissed me and then I went to sleep because I have been doing stuff all day. Kian walked in and took a shower he walked in with a only a towel on. The sight of his abs just made me blush. He looked at me and smiled. I put my hair up in a messy bun and he jumped onto the bed after he got dressed.

"Can you crack my back babe?"


I climbed onto his back and cracked then I started to jump in his back. He turned to where he was facing me and winked at me.

"Stop your teasing me"

"No I'm not"

"Wow okay"

Kian let out a small giggle I leaned in and kissed him then just flopped next to him. I wrapped my arm around him and fell asleep.


I woke up and kian wasn't in bed I jumped up and went downstairs. Kian was watching tv eating tacos.

"Wow such an original lunch"

"Hey it's good"

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