Chapter 10

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Emma said "yeah he asked me out before class". Kian walked into class to pick me up from class to go to next period. I started to blush when I came up to him he pulled me against him. he hugged me I looked up into his eyes smiling he put his hands on my waist. I put my arms around him and kissed him I looked up again. "I love you I am the luckiest guy in the world to have you" Kian said.
"Love you too" I said to him. he smiled at me. his eyes glimmered in the light I started to blush again. "we better get to class", I told him then he grabbed my hand and we started walking Down the hallway. while we were walking he asked me if I wanted to go on a date. "yes" I said to him. he breathed like he was relieved that I said yes. then we kept walking to class.
We arrived to class we were the first ones. "thank you for walking with me to class" I said. "no problem" he said to me. then I kissed him again just as soon as Ilma and jc came in. they started to giggle again. then we sat down at our lab tables. there were all kinds of chemicals in front of us I was scared. he started to hug me before the teacher came in to see what we were doing.
He said to get out our notebooks and write down the stuff on the board. "oh hell no" I murmured. Kian said "same". I out in headphones and we started to listen to my music. he said I had pretty good music. "thank you babe".
The teacher didn't care if we were listening to music. so we just kept listening to music my mom kept texting me. It was getting annoying. So I told her I was in class.
The bell rang Kian and I got up and walked to lunch together. we were holding hand while I saw ilma and jc and Emma and Connor. We walked into lunch and a kid started to bully me and Kian got mad and punched him and got in trouble. he had to go to the principals office and got a referral. he still looked angry when he came into lunch.
After lunch we went to next period he sat next to me like always in every class. "I can't wait for our date" I said to Kian he smiled t me and replied back "neither can I" and he smiled the rest of the day. after school Kian dropped me off at my house and I started getting ready for my date with kian. my phone started to ring it was my mom I answered she said she was going to be home late.
I put on a blue dress in it flowed all the way down to my knees but in the back it went down further. the. I put in brown sandels that went past my ankles. then I curled my hair and put a flower in my hair. I put in some eyeliner and bright red lipstick. I heard a knock at my door I opened it. it was Kian in a tank top that was tiedye and some pants and some vans and a flannel around his waist. he gave me a white rose and kissed me.
He walked me to the car I told him i needed to text my mom and tell her I was going on a date. I texted her and she was fine with it. "So where are we going" I asked him "it's a surprise" he told me.

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