Chapter 4

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That night Kian and I went to the kitchen and got some food and put out pajamas on and watched a movie. during the movie I started getting sleepy. I laid my head down on his shoulder.
Then we layed down on the couch and finished the movie. I fell I asleep on the couch so did he. I woke up the TV was still on and Kian was still beside knocked out.
I got up and left Kian to sleep on the couch. I got up to cook some grilled cheese burgers.

Kian's P.O.V
I woke up and Alex wasn't on the couch with me. I smelled the smell of cooking pancakes and bacon. I went into the kitchen and saw that Alex was making good for me.
"Good morning sweetheart", I said happily to alex. "where is ilma and jc",i asked. "oh yeah they went to the market to get more food they should be back any minute now" Alex said to me.
"Did you ever think of them making out",i said. "yes". "well ok". Alex stopped cooking for a second and out in some shorts and one of my big shirts and put her hair in a messy bun.
I went up to her and kissed her while she was cooking. " I love you" I said to alex. we herd the door open. I heard jc and ilma laughing.
They came into the kitchen and gave Alex the food and went into my bedroom. I already knew what they were going to do.
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