Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four (Killian)

The next morning, men were moving about the camp quickly, rushing about to fulfill their orders before we left for Xolun in a couple hours. The horses beat the ground with their hooves, neighing impatiently as they were saddled and latched to wagons where weapons and medical supplies were placed.

I stood in front of the full length mirror in my tent, frowning at the sight of myself standing there in full armor that glinted dangerously in the candles in the tent. I finished adjusting my holster, sliding my sword into its sheath before I grabbed my helmet, blowing out the candles and heading out into the cool, misty air of the morning.

The sun was just barely peering over the edge of the mountains, casting a cool spray of pinks, oranges, and purples. White scatters of clouds smeared the skies, drifting along gently toward the ocean that seemed particularly calm today, licking the shores gently. I headed down the center of the camp toward Alexius' tent, pulling up short as I watched his servant, Ana, duck from inside. She paused to glance at me out the corner of her eye, a look that made me somewhat suspicious before she bowed and departed. I waited until she was a good ways down the path before I opened the flap to Alexius' tent, walking inside to see him dressed in his armor and I expected to see him looking cocky and powerful, but he honestly looked unsettled, as if he had a million things on his mind. He didn't even notice me.

Nico did, though. He sat at the desk, wearing a fresh change of servant's attire and was using the dagger Alexius had given him to pick things out from under his long black nails. He looked up, narrowing his eyes considerably when he saw me. He cleared his throat loudly, startling Alexius from his thoughts. I smiled lightly, approaching him as he turned to face me, adjusting his gauntlets before placing a hand on the handle of his sword.

"Good morning, Alexius. Did you sleep well?" I asked, cocking my head to look at him as he brushed the hair out of his face. He nodded slowly at first, then shook his head afterwards. I frowned, but he said nothing and the quick flick of his eyes toward Nico told me he didn't want to talk about it in front of him. I nodded respectfully, watching as he went to his helmet, picking it up and pausing to stare at his reflection.

"We leave in two hours," I told him quietly, coming to stand beside him, looking into the black helmet, watching our reflections stare back, "We'll mass teleport to Xolun and set up camp. I volunteered us to do patrols with members from our unit by our choice. Is that all right?" He nodded, then grimaced at his reflection as if he suddenly couldn't bear to look at it anymore. He lifted his eyes to meet mine.

Now I was concerned. Something in those green eyes had changed. I couldn't tell what it was, but it was almost as if they had become softer. I frowned, but said nothing to Alexius as he turned away and went for the opening of his tent. I noticed Nico had gotten up to follow, though, he was weary of both of us, watching us and probably prepping himself should we decide to turn on him.

As soon as we stepped outside, Marikas was coming down the path toward us. Nico instantly stiffened and got behind Alexius, who narrowed his eyes and tensed his body. I didn't understand the instant reactions of defense, which told me that they were hiding something about their situation back at the warehouse. Though, now was not the time to ponder that.

"Cambion," Marikas shouted to Alexius, who grimaced, other men slowing down to watch with interest as Marikas drew nearer, "Don't forget to bring your tag along." Alexius blinked, looking surprised and almost dropping his helmet. I looked up at Marikas in disbelief.

"You want Alexius to bring the prisoner?" I asked. Marikas nodded, smirking in amusement as Nico gulped audibly. He gave Nico a very hungry once over, that Nico responded by stepping completely behind Alexius now.

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