The Moon is Beautiful, Isn't it? Part 2

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The afternoon sun was setting on the port city of Shichigahama in Miyagi District, casting a deep orange over the city as the day ended. Though the streets were still abuzz with its citizens going about their final tasks of the day, adults getting off work, and school kids walking home or going out with friends. The same could be said of Saunders school carrier, the USS George Washington, but unlike the port city, the small city aboard were preparing themselves for getting back out on the sea, as the school carrier was efficiently resupplied by MEXT for their journey back on the open seas around Japan. Back to the open starry skies and bliss mornings.

This meant for Miho, it was a dismal moment, as she stood on the pier before the catwalk leading to the carrier. Dress in her school's Sensha-do uniform with the 1938 US Tanker helmet under her arm, though dirty from the all-day practice with her new tank the M4A3E8, which match her crew helmets included, besides Moteki who was sitting in a wheelchair in her school uniform. All four of the crew, plus their new teammate Ellie Cunningham, stood close as they look at their allies who were about to cast off, but not without a goodbye.

"Well, let's not wait on ceremony!" Kay started, coming up to give Miho a large hug, making her balk at the aggressive blonde to whom she still wasn't accustomed to her bone-crushing hug.

"Gah!...Mi...miss Kay...t... too tight," Miho could barely say.

"Ah! My bad, my bad," Kay chuckled, leaning back to give her friend some pats on the shoulder. "Have to say, it was a blast watching you and your crew really take that Easy Eight for a real spin. Got me all fired to get in my own tank."

Finding her breath after the bone-crushing hug, Miho spoke in a jovial tone. "As my crew and I are grateful for your help learning the ins and outs of the tank."

"It's the least we can do, we were very happy to have you aboard Miss Nishizumi," Rosie added, bowing her head.

Miho returns the bow. "As was I to have to be allowed. I look forward to seeing you again, Miss Rosie."

"I just hope," Rosie began with a wink. "It's on a match field, we got a score to settle."

"Hmph," Nomi spoke with her arms crossed. "Just don't be mad if we get another bounce shot under that Jumbo of yours."

"Well, now, you're asking for it," Rosie shot back playfully, then came over to put Nomi in a headlock while ruffling her hair, making the twin complain and laugh heartily at the same time.

Miho smiled at them, then turned to see Fukushu, Linda, and Konomi coming up, with Kay backing off to give the 4 of them some space.

Fukushu was the first to stand before Miho, fiddling with her hands. She knew she would be separated from her half-sister once more since she was returning to Oarai. Having only gotten to spend a few days with Miho, pushing away all the hate and remorse Fukushu once had. Getting to know the very girl she had hated for so long for a past grudge that Miho had no part in. While most importantly, having finally had her first dream realized, as Miho had accepted her into the Nishizumi family.

"Sister," Fukushu said at first before she choked on her words.

Making Miho smile, while reaching out with both hands to take Fukushu's in hers. "This goodbye is only temporary."

"I know, but after everything...I just wanted some more be with you and get to know more about you," Fukushu said with a downcast face.

"As did I, but I'm grateful," Miho started.

"For what?" Fukushu asks, looking up to meet those matching brown eyes.

With Miho smiling warmly, as the orange glow of the afternoon light seem to enhance Miho's radiance as she spoke. "That I can finally have you as a sister, that we are no longer separated by the past, but brought together for the future."

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