Our Struggle And Our Resolve

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Our damn father expects so much of me...just because I'm smart...because he wishes me to be what he could not be...am I nothing but a prize cow to him?...

I...I...I don't know brother, please your scaring me...

You think I care how you feel...you get to go out with your friends, be a normal girl, no responsibilities on average Mizuko...

Don't call me that...

I'll say what I feel like...I'm the big brother here...your just here to help me..

Please, don't do this...

You must like this, seeing me put on a brave face while internally I'm being torn to shreds trying to meet our father's demands...

I don't, I want you to be happy...

Happiness is an illusion dear sister, it's not the real world, it's the fantasy one you want....or better yet...the one your still living in...

Why can't we be like we were before....

Silence ensued between the two, but only for a moment, as the sound of a fist connecting with flesh reverberated through the space, as the Mizuko fell to her knees, holding her stomach, spittle flying from her mouth, breath unable to come to her. Looking up, as her mouth gape open in pain, she saw nothing but a shadowing figure outline like a young teenage boy in a school uniform.

It was her brother, but his facial features were obscure, because she could not remember his face after so long. Only his voice, not the one that used to tease her with joy and talk with her for hours on end. No, this was the voice of a broken brother who had to live up to the genius-level their father had put on him, in turn fracturing her brother's mental state as he could not make even a single slip up or be subjected to beatings.

Then her brother spoke.

You don't think I want that! I want to be what we once were too! Yet that is never going to happen! At least not...not...not for me...

His voice became defeated

Brother, I'm still here for you...no matter what....

Yet words would not fix a broken mind, only anger it more.

You know father doesn't care what happens to you...

That's not true...

Mother never wanted you....

You're being cruel....

If you want your brother to be happy, then just stay there and give me something to take my stress out on...

Before Mizuko could respond, she was yanked up to her feet harshly, with an explosion of hot white pain in her shoulder, making her cry out. Yet this fell on deaf ears for her brother, who tossed her onto a bed, then climb up on with her.

Don't! Please brot-

Mizuko was silence with another punch to the stomach, causing a cry of pain to rise up from her lips.

Don't what!? Didn't you say you want me to be happy! Then take some stress off for me! It's all your good for in this world!...

With nothing left in her to reply, Mizuko began to cry, as no one was coming to save her from her brother. Her father would deny any wrongdoing of his prodigy son, while her mother would only mumble out that this was how things were and that Mizuko must bear it, for she was nothing more than a bystander to everything.

The Tigers of Chi-Ha-Tan ReRise Volume 4: The Scars of a Warriors PastNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ