Our Hope, Our Fight, Our Despair

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"Mmmmm," a soft voice cooed out as her body woke from her restful slumber.

Slowly her eyes opened, adjusting to the dimly lit room shrouded in darkness, save for the small light shining off her alarm clock's digital numbers. Then, blinking away her tiredness, she once more focused on the clock, trying to decipher what time it was, as she began to shift under the sheets, to stretch her arms and legs out that were ready to get started.

After blinking again, she focuses the on the clock and reads the time.

5:25 AM.

Even now, my body can't sleep past this time, probably because of all those years at Kuromorimine middle school and then onto the Academy itself...they always said a lady must rise early to be ready to work while others slept and must prepare to face the day as it dawns, for that is how you will meet your working life...

Miho thought, feeling her tiredness starting to fade from her mind, beginning to push the covers off and climb out of bed now. Yet she was stopped when she felt something holding onto her, with a firm grip that was not about to let go of Miho anywhere as much as she might struggle.

Looking down, Miho saw her half-sister, Fukushu, dressed in some spare pajamas that Miho had lent her. The youngest Nishizumi let off soft snores as she rested her head against Miho's chest and her arms around Miho's torso. Even with all the movement earlier from her bed companion, Miho had not woken her up.

Then, the previous night's memories flooded Miho's mind.

After examining all the practice reports Nishi had collected for her, Miho left Chi-Ha-Tan academy with Fukushu and Linda in tow, wanting to come to her apartment and treat them to a nice dinner. It was only fair after what happened with the Chi-Ha-Tan Sensha-do team, being subjected to a berating session from the newest member in 3rd year, Nonaka Mizuko, who wanted to get vengeance against Linda for orchestrating last year's humiliating defeat.

Only Miho's timely arrival had saved the situation from spinning out of control while stopping Tamada, who had already punched Linda, from doing the same to Fukushu.

Shaking her mind away from that horrible event that made things tense with her lover, Miho remembered that Fukushu and Linda had stayed well after dinner. First, they talked about their past and troubles, and then just general conversation.

Miho felt like she understood Fukushu better now, knowing she had gone through a lot in her life that had caused her to go down the road of revenge. Konomi was her main reason for wanting to avenge the tragic life the older woman had suffered after Shiho defeated her in Panzer Kettō so long ago. Though Fukushu was vague on what exactly happened to Konomi afterward, Miho knew a little from what her mother had told her during their heated argument when Miho returned home.

During the stay-over, Linda surprisingly open up a lot, talking at length with Miho about all things Sensha-do training. How to get the girls in shape, specific drills to help with movement, advanced scouting techniques, and so on. Miho could tell by how passionate Linda's tone was that she genuinely had come to love Sensha-do over time; it was just her overall view of it that had been distorted by the woes of her past in America.

Then, before they knew it, the trio had talked way past midnight. Meaning the Akagi would have closed off their carrier from visitors and would not let anyone leave. Which suited Miho fine, as she invited them to stay the night, giving them nightwear and then going to bed. Though sometime in the night, Fukushu had a nightmare about everyone leaving her because of what happened in the last match and punching Miho.

With Miho resolved to now enjoy her new job as a big sister and asked Fukushu to sleep in the same bed. Cuddling together allowed the young Nishizumi to go to sleep, with Miho following soon after, her heart feeling relaxed that she had indeed had Fukushu with her and they would be sisters from now on. Moreover, they would work together to achieve the goal of bringing the Nishizumi name back up together and maybe one day fight in Sensha-do together as well.

The Tigers of Chi-Ha-Tan ReRise Volume 4: The Scars of a Warriors PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz