A Tigresses Homecoming Part 3

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Anzu Kadotani, smile at hearing Miho remember who she was, speaking in a cheerful tone. "Heya Miss Tigress, we need to have a chat."

Before anything else could be said, Aozora spoke up frantically as her ear was being twisted by her tormentor. "Major! I get it! I get it! Let up!"

The woman in question didn't let up, wearing a JSDF Airforce officer uniform of a double-breasted black military jacket with golden buttons, with a matching black skirt, with her officers cap tuck under one arm with white gloves on. The woman had long hair that was jet black that was bundled up in a braid, which went well along with her deep reddish eyes. Her face show no signs of real aging, a testament to her strict diet and active living, which gave her some rich tan skin.

"You're lucky this the extent of my punishment, I atta have your wings right now for one, taking a plane worth millions off the carrier and land onto a small airfield, two, you took a teenage girl half across the nation to see her mother while getting into all sorts of trouble. The colonel is having all kinds of fits right now and I'm the only reason he isn't about to keep you grounded for good," the officer then again gave a tug on Aozora's ear.

"I get it, Major Nasik, I get it!" Aozora complain, trying to keep herself stable.

"Um, excuse me," Miho spoke to get the rooms attention.

All eyes turn to her.

"I was the one to ask Miss Aozora to take me, if theirs any punishment, I wish to share it with her," Miho said.

Aozora's eyes sparked. "Miho, coming to my res-."

"Don't think that's going to get you out of anything," the female officer growled, while giving her subordinate another tug, then focusing her attention on Shiho and Miho. "I'm very sorry for the intrusion. Let's get introductions going, my name is Jun Nasik, Major in the 54th Wing Division. I like to apologize, Miss Shiho Nishizumi, for my pilot here taking your daughter from her academy without permission and putting you in this situation, when you have a case against you."

Shiho finally spoke up. "It's quite alright, even though this will not be making my lawyer happy with me, I'm glad that my daughter was returned to me without harm. Your subordinate even defended my daughter from some craze reporter I hear."

"Hmph," Jun huff, while looking at her distressed subordinate still in her death grip. "That doesn't make up for the trouble she cause."

"Teaching my lady, how to ride a bike doesn't help matters," Kikuyo added in.

"Oh come on!" Aozora fought back. "I just wanted to Miho have some fun, sitting backseat all the way is boring. Plus she's a natural, should have seen her take a tight turn at full speed!"

"And I'm about to turn your ear full speed for putting someone's daughter in that kind of position," Jun shot back.

"We wouldn't mind," Kikuyo spoke with an amused look.

"Kikuyo!" Miho cry out to the maid, who just chuckle and shrug.

Still feeling the effects of her hangover, Shiho rub her head, then spoke in a calm tone. "Miss Nasik, I understand military regulations were broken, but I myself feel no need for an apology. Though I have to wonder what the meaning of this visit is."

Seeing there was no more need for disciplining, for now, Jun let go of Aozora who rub her ear in distress, then turn back to Shiho. "Well, you can put that down to Miss Kadotani here, she needed to have a chat with you and your daughter."

"Both of us?" Miho ask.

"Yes, the both of you if you can spare me the time," Anzu spoke with a nod.

Shiho nodded back. "Very well, allow me to talk to my lawyer and then freshen up. I believe this a conversation not for me to have in my sleepwear."

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