A Tigresses Homecoming Part 2

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An early morning fog was draping over the open seas, blanketing the Akagi Carrier that had slowed down its rudders by the captain's orders, as they were on course to their destination in the port at Shichigahama in Miyagi District, as was planned beforehand for a little rest and relaxation for the residents aboard, who always welcome a chance to enjoy one of the great luxuries of being of a carrier, was that they visited all of Japan's ports, allowing them to enjoy every part of their nation. With some residents having friends in every port, making for an endless stream of reunions and catching up to be done, though with how foggy things had become might delay the trip for a couple more days.

The same liking for their visits to many ports was felt by the students aboard, who were given passes to go out and enjoy themselves, within reason of course. Yet, for the Chi-Ha-Tan Sensha-do team, they were still asked to stay onboard, due to media outlets wanting to interview them about their commander, Miho Nishizumi, and more importantly get answers from the youngest Nishizumi about the recent events. Leaving Hidemichi no choice, but to keep them onboard, much to the dismay of the team who were dying to go explore a new port.

This was understandable, due to the sudden shift in mood for the team. As their newest members, coming from the third year group who had left the team last year, but were on the team due to Nishi keeping their names on the roster sheet handed in before the season to the Federation, who were making things tense. In only a day of training, they were asserting their authority over the team, and as upperclassmen, it was their right as any team around the league would tell you. The second years who had trained under these very girls, were the most complement and obedient, save for some who weren't going to be cowed so easily.

The same couldn't be said for their proud sub commander in Nishi, who look completely defeated, and made no attempt to stop the influence. Though, the first year cubs, who hadn't been indoctrinated by the Warrior Code the team follow last year were most resilient, a product of Miho's tutelage and the match against Oarai where they proved themselves with their Tigresses Sensha-do style, but even with is resistance that was being led by their unquestioned leader of the first year in Miya of Miho's own Ghost company, they had to swallow the fact that their second years were not showing the same resistance to this intrusion on their team.

As most of the second-year members they look up to, now were simply bowing to the third years having their way. A shocking sight to see, as this very group had gone into matches with a zeal that no other team around the league could match, even out gun and sometimes outnumber, they met the foe as Tigresses should. Now they seem nothing but blindly obedient, causing a rift to start with the first years who were having to look out for each other.

One such second year, understood that she needed to do something, before her team self-imploded with the Semi-final on the horizon.

As Tamada was waiting at a secluded spot in the forest behind the academy that led to the lunch area around a large river, a popular spot for the student body. Dress in her school uniform, with her hair a little damp since she had showered quite early, then snuck out of the dorm before anyone notice her, so she could come to this very spot for a little meeting to hopefully stop this bleeding of her tankery families sudden open wound of the past.

It was here Tamada was waiting for Mizuko, her former sub commander last year for the team to join her, having texted her the previous day to come meet. It was a nerve-wracking affair for Tamada, as her former mentor in Sensha-do had returned, but so far hadn't said a word to Tamada, or anybody else, though they did have a run in with Hosomi who try to protect some first years Mizuko had tried to discipline about the old code.

Besides that, Mizuko and her other upperclassmen had all been tame, to say the least, but weren't going along with drills properly, questioning the need for their team's current tactics at every step. Yet that was the extent so far, but it was causing things to become edgy, as Nishi was becoming withdrawn and having Tamada and Hosomi make sure drills were progressing as smoothly as possible. Not a good sign with a strong opponent waiting for them.

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