The Thunder of a Lioness

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A mesmerizing day was taking place outside, as the Shimada estate in all its luxurious glory was being illuminated by the rays of the sun. Long rows of hedgerows dominated the back of the estate, neatly trimmed by the gardeners who work double time to keep the patches of various flowers gathered from around the world alive and well in their dirt homes. The estate itself rose two stories, with its red velvet wood structure seeming to be illuminated by the sun to shine brightly and only enhance the magnificence of the estate more.

Though for all the beauty to be enjoyed outside, there was something much more pleasurable being enjoyed inside the walls of this estate. As in the office of the headmistress of the Shimada family and overseer of the Shimada Sensha-do school, Chiyo Shimada was sitting on a luxurious crimson couch, dressed in her usual attire of a long elegant red business dress with a 19th-century design in mind, with beautiful pale skin, light brown hair tied with a black ribbon at the end, and hazel eyes.

Chiyo, with her eyes closed and a soft smile adorning her, was bobbing her head in beat. As she was at the moment being serenaded by a well-known folk song of the Finnish people, the Säkkijärven polka. It was popular with especially Accordionist, though the musician playing for Chiyo play the instrument on a plucked string instrument called a Kantele. With each pluck of the string under the expert touch of its user's delicate and dexterous hands, the notes produce a melody that could only be described as angelic or maybe sound therapy if Chiyo herself was honest.

That would be how Chiyo was viewing it, especially after so many long hours working to keep things in order for her grand ambitions. Being separated from her daughter who was in America training the new generation of tankers for Sensha-do, and her husband overseas doing his government work as an ambassador of Japan, left Chiyo a little lonely, though today was not a day to feel such things. Today she was enjoying this therapeutic melody that was nothing by sweet and relaxing to the ear.

Opening her eyes some, Chiyo look to the musician who was being so generous as to help calm her mind down, feeling her smile grow larger as she was looking at a growing beauty who could be a model if she so chose, having already been on the cover of Sensha-do weekly magazines from photoshoots. Across from Chiyo, sitting on a matching crimson couch, was a young girl of 18 years. She wore a simple light blue button long sleeve shirt, tuck into her black leather skirt with a white belt, with casual dress shoes.

Suddenly the song came to an end, with the young girl opening her eyes to look at Chiyo with an equally soft smile. Her pale skin almost matched Chiyo's, with light brown hair with some bangs coming down and matching light brown eyes. This beauty here was a mystery to the world of Sensha-do, but not to Chiyo, she was well known to the headmistress.

As who could forget family.

"Mika, my dear, once again you never cease to amaze with your playing," Chiyo praised, bowing her head to her niece.

"Aunt Chiyo, it is always a pleasure for me to play for you. As a man once said, music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart," Mika replied, bowing her head in gratitude.

Chiyo let out a small chuckle. "Pablo Casals?"

Mika's smile grew a little wider. "While you, my dear aunt, seem to be all-knowing."

"Reading is the best tool I've found," Chiyo spoke with a wink, then look outside at the gorgeous day outside. "I could have sat in the garden with the sun shining down on me, but this is more pleasing, as nothing can quite compete with time spent with family."

"I agree, though I hate that my visit must be short," Mika said, her voice laced with disappointment.

Chiyo nodded in understanding, bringing her eyes back to her niece. "I understand, your mother must be missing you dearly, though she was just as much of a free spirit as you are, could never stay in one place too long."

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