Chapter Twenty-Two

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When I woke up, Eddie wasn't next to me. I figured he must have snuck out before my mom woke up because he knew I would get in huge trouble for having him over last night. Even when I stayed over at Eddie's, I told my mom I was at Nancy's or Robin's. My mom was really protective of me my whole life and it only got worse after my dad passed. She would never let it slide if I told her I had been staying at Eddie's overnight. Sometimes I believed she still saw me as her little girl and not her eighteen year old daughter who was about to go off on her own and learn how to be an adult.

When I opened the door to my room, I could hear my mom talking to someone in the kitchen. That's weird. Who would be here right now? I rubbed my eyes as I shuffled down the hallway and when I walked into the kitchen, who else but Eddie was sitting across from my mom at the kitchen table.

My mom looked up at me and smiled. "Look who came by to see you!" Her voice was so cheery and I groaned from how tired I was. It seemed she had no idea Eddie stayed over last night. I'm not sure how he managed it.

"Yeah, Cas, I wanted to talk about the other night." Eddie said, playing along with my mom for my sake.

I rubbed my eyes once more before shuffling over to the kitchen table and sitting down in between the two of them. My mom had never actually met Eddie before until this moment. I knew she had started to change her opinion of him, but I was still afraid of what she would truly think of him. He was different and I loved that about him, but I wasn't sure my mom would be able to look past the long hair, the battle jacket, and the ripped black jeans with chains hanging off the belt loops.

"Tired?" Eddie nudged my arm with his elbow. I glared at him and he smirked, knowing he was the reason I was so tired this morning.

"I'll let you two talk." My mom said, rising from her seat. "I have some errands to run this morning. It was very nice meeting you, Eddie." My mom smiled at him as she gathered her things and began to get ready to leave.

I didn't know what surprised me more: my mother actually seeming to like Eddie or the fact that she was comfortable enough to leave us home alone together.

"So," Eddie turned to face me once my mom had left. "Robin informed me of the fair that's happening this week. Do you want to go tonight?"

The realization hit me as I remembered I forgot to answer Robin back last night. A fair sounded like fun. "Well, I do enjoy overpriced fried food." I joked. I wasn't the biggest fan of rides but there were a few I didn't mind. Plus, I had Eddie now to hold my hand on the scary ones. It wouldn't be all that bad.

"Sounds good." Eddie smiled, rising from his chair. "So what are we doing until then?"

"We?" I asked. "You're not going to go home for a bit?"

"Ouch, Cas. If you didn't want to hang out with me, you could have just said so." Eddie said half jokingly.

I was still so groggy I didn't realize what I said had sounded a little harsh. "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant." I replied. "Can we just take a nap? Someone didn't let me get much sleep last night."

Eddie grabbed me around the waist, picked me up and spun me around before putting me down and kissing me. "Deal."


Eddie stayed at my house with me all day and my mom surprisingly had no objections. I have no idea what she and Eddie talked about while I was still asleep this morning but he must've charmed her because she kept saying how nice it was to have Eddie around the house. It being just the two of us for the last few years had made the house a little quiet and lonely and it was nice to have someone else around. I couldn't disagree with that. I liked having Eddie here, too.

Good to You [Eddie Munson x OFC]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon