Chapter Eleven

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Robin and Steve were working at the ice cream shop again this summer so Eddie thought it would be cute to go on another date and visit them. This was all so new to me. I remember being with Billy and it feeling like pulling teeth just to get him to do anything with me. I always wondered why he stayed with me as long as he did. If it was such a chore to go on a date with me or spend time with me, why did he bother staying? Why did he bother leading me on all that time? What did he gain from all this? Another piece of another girl's heart to add to his collection?

"Harrington!" Eddie shouted when we walked through the doors of Scoops Ahoy. I could see Robin trying to hold back a smile when she saw Eddie and I holding hands. I let go of Eddie's hand and ran up to the counter where Robin was standing while Eddie went to talk to Steve.

"Second date?!" Robin squealed and I could feel myself begin to blush.

"Not so loud!" I hushed her.

Robin gave me a look. "Cas, it's no secret anymore. You like Eddie; Eddie likes you. It's out there."

I shrugged. "I know, I know. This just all feels so new to me. He's actually a nice guy? And he actually wants to hang out with me?"

"Well, of course he does," Robin said matter of factly. "He's not Billy."

I groaned. "I never want to think about him ever again."

Robin chuckled. "I'm happy for you, Cas. Eddie is a great guy. I've known him for a while now and he's never anything but his true self from the start."

Robin was right. Eddie was always his true self. There was never any questioning with Eddie. When it came to Billy, I always had to figure out if I was with Mr. Nice Guy or Mr. Asshole that day. Sure, Billy had told me personal things that you don't typically share with just anyone, but there was always too much mystery with him. He made it extremely difficult for me to be able to trust someone again because time and time again I was shown that I was just good as a placeholder; someone for Billy to lean on while he searched for the next girl to play around with. I truly believed I was never going to be someone special to anyone. Was I meant to be alone?

"Oh," Robin gasped, breaking my thoughts. "I heard Harrington got an invite to Jason's fourth of July party on Friday night. I want to crash it."

My eyes widened at what she said. "You want to do what?!"

"I love that idea." Eddie interjected.

I was confused at what was happening. Were we really going to crash this party? It was supposed to be massive, and I'm sure Jason wouldn't even notice but still. "But you and Jason hate each other." I reminded Eddie.

He smirked. "Even better."

We all looked over at Steve. Steve stood there dumbfounded for a moment before he spoke and shrugged. "Let's do it."

I pretty much spent the rest of the day with Eddie after we saw Robin and Steve at work. He brought me back to the trailer and I finally formally met Wayne.

"You must be the Cassie I've heard so much about." He said as he took my hand in both of his. I glanced over at Eddie who had a mortified look plastered on his face. All I could do was giggle.

"It's very nice to formally meet you." I said and bowed my head a little. Eddie's uncle was so cute. He reminded me a lot of John which reminded me a lot of my dad.

"We're going to my room." Eddie said as he grabbed my hand and walked us past Wayne.

"Door stays half way open, Eddie." He warned as Eddie dragged me off to his room.

Eddie brought me into his room and we sat on the end of the bed together. I clasped my hands together in my lap but Eddie quickly grabbed me around the waist and started pelting my face with kisses. I started giggling and we fell onto our backs on the bed.

"Eddie!" I squealed and he shushed me.

"Uncle Wayne can hear us!" He smirked and kissed me a few more times.

We laid on the bed together and looked up at the ceiling. A few moments of silence passed between us before I spoke.

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to leave Hawkins? Go somewhere where no one knows who you are?" I pondered aloud.

Eddie sighed. "All the time." He was quiet for a moment. "But I don't know if I could ever leave."

I sat up on my elbows and looked at him. "But don't you have dreams of becoming a big rockstar with your band?"

He sat up and matched me. "I do," He said. "But those are just dreams."

I shook my head. "You can't say that. If all the famous rockstars out there had that same attitude, they wouldn't be famous rockstars. My mom does that to me all the time. She tells me that my dreams aren't realistic; that I'll never do anything spectacular in this life. She weighs me down but I keep trying to soar to the sky. It's what my dad would have wanted me to do..." I trailed off as I mentioned my dad. I hadn't really talked about him much around Eddie and Eddie could tell I didn't really want to talk about it now.

"I love that about you, Cas." Eddie said. "You're a dreamer. And the world always needs dreamers to keep us going." He kissed my cheek and I smiled. I wanted to believe he was right. Dreamers kept the world going. But right now, it felt like my dreams really were just that. Dreams.


Later that night, Eddie and I ended up at Lover's Lake again but instead of hanging out in the back of the van, Eddie brought me out to one of the docks that jutted out a little into the lake and we laid there together on a blanket, gazing up at the sky and looking at the stars.

"Right there is the big dipper," I pointed with my finger up at the sky. "And the little dipper is right there."

"How do you know all this?" Eddie asked me.

"My dad showed me all of this when I was a kid. I always had an affinity for the night sky and he knew all of the constellations and where to find them. So, he showed me." I explained. "And right there is Cassiopeia." I continued.

"Cassiopeia, like Cassie." Eddie observed.

"Yeah..." I trailed off for a moment, thinking about my dad again. "My parents named me Cassie after the constellation. Cassiopeia was too dramatic of a name for them so they went with Cassandra but called me Cassie. And my dad always made sure to remind me of the stars I was named after when we would stargaze together on summer nights. Kind of like how we are right now."

Eddie reached over and grabbed my hand in his. "Well," He looked over at me but I continued to gaze up at the sky. "I'm glad I'm someone that you can continue to share the tradition with."

I looked over at Eddie. He had turned his head back up to the sky. He looked so soft in the moonlight. He truly was just a big dork and I admired that about him. The mesmerized look in his eyes as he looked at the night sky was the same look I remember myself having the first time my dad pointed out constellations to me. I didn't know what it was about the sky at night that made me feel so free. And being with Eddie made me feel like I could do anything. His uncle gave him so much freedom compared to how my parents were. I was still lying to my mom about where I was going at night and Wayne didn't seem to mind as long as Eddie stayed in touch about where he was. I always wished I hadn't been so caged as a teenager. My parents always worried too much and I felt as though I'd barely experienced life until this summer with Eddie.

"I wish I could stay eighteen forever, so we could stay like this, forever." I said.

"Me, too." I watched Eddie smile up at the sky. "You know what, Cas?" He turned his head back to look at me. "I think you'd be good to me, and I'd be so good to you."

I giggled. "What are you trying to say, Eddie?"

"Be my girlfriend." He simply stated.

My stomach started to fill with butterflies at his words. He really wanted me, of all people, to be his girlfriend? I know that I had never expected to be able to trust anyone again, but Eddie had me at that very first wink in the cafeteria at school.

"Okay." I agreed with a smile.

He smiled back at me. "Okay."

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