Chapter Twenty-One

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"Cas?" My mom knocked on the door to my room. I had been locked away in here for days and I knew she was growing worried about me. My eyes were sore and puffy from crying. The door knob started to slowly turn as my mom's head poked in through the partially open door. "Honey, please talk to me. You've been in here for days and I'm starting to get worried."

I sat on my bed with my legs criss crossed and stared ahead at my gray blanket. I felt immense pain and jarring numbness all at the same time. The one person who finally made me feel like I could trust again turned into the one person who made me feel more betrayed than Billy had ever made me feel. I couldn't believe Eddie was doing this to me. We'd been through so much this summer and he was just dropping me like it never meant anything at all.

My mom came into the room and sat down on the bed in front of me. "Honey, what's going on? Did something happen with Eddie?"

I could feel tears start to form in the corners of my eyes when she said his name and my face started to contort in agony. I dropped my head in my hands and wept into my palms.

"I guess that's my answer." My mom said, "What happened?"

"He... He..." I tried to speak between sobs. "He thinks I'm abandoning him because I'm leaving for school. He's being stupid. He's being selfish. Why can't he just be happy for me? Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Be happy for the people you care about when they're trying to do what is best for themselves?"

"Well," My mom pondered for a moment. "Didn't you say before that Eddie's parents weren't really around? Do you think maybe that has something to do with why he's acting the way he is?"

"No!" I shouted. My mom wasn't getting it either, it seemed. "He's supposed to be happy for me. He's supposed to want me to follow my dreams; like how dad did. He's supposed to-" I stopped myself because I realized I was the one being selfish now. I really expected Eddie to fix all my problems for me, and I began to realize that it wasn't fair of me to put all that on him.

"I think the problem here is that you're not seeing Eddie's side of this." My mom said, "Think about everything he's been through. Both of his parents abandoned him. All he's ever known is having the people he loves leave him. He feels like that's what you're doing to him. He may not be thinking rationally, sure, but he loves you and he feels like you're doing what everyone he's ever loved has done to him because that is all he has ever known."

My mom had a point. I didn't think about how Eddie really felt and how his past affected him. Everything had always been about me: my life; my trauma; my struggles. Eddie did nothing but listen to me and I never truly listened to him or considered how the things he has been through have affected him. I started to hear Billy's exact words from our fight in my head: 'Will you just listen for once in your life?' and then Eddie saying almost the exact same thing: 'God, Cas. Are you even listening to me?'

"Honey," My mom continued, "I know I wasn't the nicest to you about Eddie before but I've seen the difference he has made in your life. I was quick to judge and I know I shouldn't have been. I can see you really love Eddie and I think he loves you. You just have to start seeing things from his perspective now. I think you need to talk to him. Hear his side of this. I'm sure he's very happy for you but he reacted in the only way he knows how to and that was by lashing out at you. Now that it has been a few days and things have settled, talk to him and work it out."

My mom was right. I needed to talk to Eddie. If I really cared about him, I would work this out. I didn't want this to turn into a Billy situation where I just let it go and waited for him to come back to me. And if Eddie wanted this to work out, he would be willing to listen. I just had to try.

I decided to head to Eddie's trailer and not tell him I was coming. I wanted to be able to corner him instead of giving him a chance to run away. I felt like that was the only way I would get him to talk to me; confront him without giving him the chance to flee.

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