Chapter Seventeen

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I had managed to avoid Billy like the plague ever since Jason's party a few weeks ago. I hadn't even been scheduled on the same days as him and I started to wonder if it was pure luck or if John had said something to Brian, my boss, about not scheduling me on the same days as Billy. John would do something like that to spare me the pain of having to deal with Billy after work.

What John couldn't control was when Billy was and where, and today he was waiting for me in the parking lot after my afternoon shift. The sky was turning pink as the sun was starting to set and I was meandering my way towards my car when I looked up and saw Billy standing there.

"Cas," He started walking towards me and I prayed I could get myself out of this situation quickly. "Can we talk?"

I rolled my eyes at him and sighed. "About what Billy? You've done nothing but make my life hell and I can't imagine anything you would say right now would make it better."

Billy grimaced. "I know, and I'm sorry." He looked like he had genuine feelings about this but I couldn't tell if he truly did or if he was just acting again.

Not this. Not right now. Not ever. I didn't want an apology. I just wanted him to leave me alone. This side of Billy is what made me grow weak every single time. He knew his softer side is what made me soft and each time he apologized or admitted he was wrong, he knew that I'd take him back because he knew that the small part of me that still loved him would overtake my heart and make me irrational.

"No, Billy." I tried to push past him but he was so much stronger than me and stopped me in my tracks. "I don't want to do this right now. Or ever." I continued, still trying to push away from him.

"Cas, I'm serious." He grabbed me by both shoulders and moved me so I was standing in front of him. "I know what I did wasn't right. I know that I hurt you and I feel bad that I did."

I shook my head at him. "You don't feel bad. You just don't want to see me happy." I tried to run past him again and made it a few steps before I felt him grab my shoulders and turn me to face him.

He tightened his grip on my shoulders and shook me. "Will you just listen for once in your life? God, Cas. I'm trying here. I just want to make things right with you. I know you're going to school in a few weeks and I don't want this relationship to haunt either of us anymore. I can't live with myself knowing that the best thing I had is gone."

"If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead yet?" I looked at him smugly.

He sighed. "I'm only moving on because I have to, not because I want to." I could tell he was trying so hard to rope me back in.

"Just shut up, Billy." I spat the words at him. "I don't want to hear this anymore. I'm not going to take you back like I did all the other times before. I never truly had you and you showed me I never did. I've moved on."

"Oh, I know." His tone quickly changed. "I saw you and your little punk ass boyfriend the other night with Harrington and Wheeler."

"That was you that drove by?" I asked. "What, keeping tabs on me now, are we?"

"He's no good for you, Cas. He's a fucking freak. You think that is doing better than me?" Billy returned. "He's trailer park trash; he deals drugs to innocent little cheerleaders; he's a fucking loser."

"Like you were much better!" I shouted back at him.

"I was much better!" Billy screamed at me. The veins in his neck were popping out and his face grew red. He wiped the spit from his mouth with the back of his forearm. I'd never seen him so angry before. "What's Munson going to be able to offer you when all this is said and done, Cas? A nice, rundown trailer in the trailer park that he pays for with his blood money? Yeah, he really has so much going for him. You always used to talk about how your mom kept you held down. Eddie is going to do the exact same fucking thing; holding you down here in Hawkins and you know it. You know he's never going to amount to anything." He thrust his pointer finger at me as he spoke.

I couldn't hear Billy talk about Eddie that way any longer and I certainly couldn't take him using the vulnerable parts of me that I had shared with him against me. I had grown to care about Eddie a lot. If there was anything I knew about myself, it was that I cared about the important people in my life with everything I had. I would give Eddie my world if I could. It hurt me to listen to Billy talk about Eddie in the way I knew everyone talked about him. No one gave him a chance. There was no one in this world more deserving of love than Eddie.

I could feel my hands balling into fists at my side. I felt like if I gripped my hands any tighter, they would break. The wave of pulsing anger that overcame me was like going into a trance where all you can see is red. The years of hurt, betrayal, disloyalty and dishonesty all welled up in my heart as I glared at his smug face looking back at me. Before I knew it, my fist was winding up behind me and lunging forward, making contact with Billy's face. When I realized I had just punched him, I stepped back and clasped a hand over my open mouth. "Oh, my god." I muttered to myself.

"Cassie!" I could hear John yelling from behind me. He must've been watching from the gate like he always did when I walked back to my car after my shift.

"What the fuck, Cas?!" Billy screamed at me. He reached up to touch his nose, crimson blood staining his fingertips. I stood there in shock, not knowing what just happened or why I had done that. Did I really just punch Billy in the face?

"Cassie, get out of here." John appeared in front of me, grabbing me by the shoulders. "I'll deal with this. Just go." He motioned to my car.

I rushed over to my car and threw my bags into the passenger's seat. I could hear Billy groaning from the pain of the blow. "Get back here, Cas!" Billy grunted but John stepped in front of him, holding him back.

My hands shook as I tried to get the key in the ignition. I gripped onto the steering wheel with one hand in an attempt to ground me and keep myself steady. I started pulling out of the parking lot and watched Billy as I drove by. He was pissed and I was about to be in so much trouble if and when I saw him again. Billy's temper wasn't one you wanted to mess with, and I feared that if Billy saw me alone again, I'd be done for.

A/N: If anyone is still reading this story, I have a new fic posted on my page that I just started and you can find here: I would love it if you want to check it out! 

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