Chapter Three

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I stood in front of the mirror and scanned myself up and down for what felt like the eighteenth time. Eddie was having us over to his trailer tonight for a little get together since Wayne was going to be away for the weekend and I was desperately trying to figure out what to wear. I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard to get his attention but I also didn't want to look bad either. I needed to find a happy medium and it felt like it wasn't clicking the way I wanted it to. I grumbled to myself and started picking up random items of clothing to see if I could make it work.

I heard my phone start to buzz and looked over to see Robin was calling. "Hey, what's up?" I answered.

"Are you almost ready? Eddie said to come over at 8 and it's already almost 7:30!" Robin exclaimed.

I sighed. "Yeah, almost..."

"I'm guessing you're having a hard time picking out what you want to wear." Robin guessed.

"You would be right," I tossed aside another shirt onto the floor. "I just don't want it to look like I'm trying too hard, you know? 'Cause it's not that kind of party."

"I understand," Robin said. "I'll have Nancy pick me up now and we'll come over to help you pick something out. Sound good?"

"Yeah," I sighed again, "I could use some help. I'll see you guys soon." I hung up the phone with Robin and continued searching for options to show her and Nancy for when they got here.

All I could think about was seeing Eddie tonight. Words can't truly describe how he makes me feel. Every time he looks at me, I get this fuzzy feeling in my stomach and my heart feels like it stops beating for a split second. I'm not so much into the whole D&D thing but watching him talk about it makes me smile. I love the way he lights up when he talks about Hellfire. Everyone at school thinks he's weird because he likes metal and plays a fantasy game but I like how he has this tough exterior and softer interior. He's very sweet and comforting despite what everyone else thinks and I can't fathom how people can be so quick to judge someone else based solely on appearance.

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway towards my room and realized Nancy and Robin must be here.

"Hey!" Nancy appeared in the doorway with Robin trailing behind her. "Sorry, we sort of just let ourselves in. I hope that was okay."

"Yeah, yeah, no problem," I waved them into the room and motioned for them to sit on my bed.

Both of them sat down on the edge of the bed and Nancy looked at me with wide eyes. "So? Outfits? We don't have much time and the boys will wonder where we are."

I proceeded to show Nancy and Robin a couple different outfits and after some debate between the three of us, we all finally agreed on one. "This one doesn't feel like you're trying too hard but it's also cute for the type of party we're going to." Robin observed.

With the outfit decided, the three of us piled into Nancy's car and headed on our way to Eddie's trailer. I glanced at the clock on the dashboard and saw it read 7:55. I wrung my hands together as I got more and more anxious at the thought of seeing Eddie.

Nancy glanced over at the center console when she saw her phone light up. "Ugh, is it Steve?" She asked and Robin looked over as well.

"Yep, it is indeed Steve." Robin confirmed. "Do you want me to answer it for you?"

"Yeah, that's fine." Nancy said. "He's probably just wondering where we are."

I watched the street curve in the glow of the headlights of the car as Robin talked to Steve. I tried to pay attention to the twisting of the road instead of Robin and Steve's conversation. I was already anxious enough about seeing Eddie and I know Steve was probably talking to Robin about me and Eddie.

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