30: Our World

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A/N: I'm not usually up here, but I wanted to say two things really quick. One, this is a big chapter, so take breaks if you need to. Two, this chapter contains a smut section, so please do whatever you need to with that information to remain comfortable reading. Enjoy the final chapter!

"Alright, are you sure you have everything?" Hwanwoong asked a bit frantically, looking over the content of his own suitcase once more.

"For the millionth time, yes. Woong, seriously calm down, it'll all be okay." Youngjo tried to reassure, putting a hand on the smallers back to rub gently. "Why are you so stressed?"

Hwanwoong let out a heavy breath, running a hand down the side of his face. He turned around to face his boyfriend, pushing his forehead against Youngjo's shoulder. Youngjo instinctively wrapped an arm around him, continuing to rub his back in a soothing manner.

"I don't even know why. I guess cause we are going to visit my grandmother, and you are going to officially meet her." Hwanwoong muttered, his words even more muffled given the way his face was practically pushed against Youngjo's body.

"You know I'm supposed to be the nervous one, right?" Youngjo tried to play around, moving away just a little bit so he could encourage Hwanwoong to look up at him. "It'll be okay. You already said your grandmother is extremely accepting, and even talked about me before. There's nothing to worry about."

"God I just..." Hwanwoong trailed off, running his hand down the side of his face once more. "I've never had someone meet her before in this manner. And I just love you so much, so it's just—"

Youngjo cut off the smaller with a kiss. And just like that Hwanwoong felt some of his worries melt away as he kissed back just as passionately. Hwanwoong's arm trailed up and over Youngjo's shoulder, wrapping it around the back of his neck to deepen their kiss. It only lasted for a few more moments before Youngjo caused them to part, the cutest grin on his face.

"We should get going, don't you think?" Youngjo gently brushed some of Hwanwoong's hair away from his face as he spoke, eyes holding thousands of stars within.

"Y-yeah, yeah, right." Hwanwoong shook himself out of his daze, feeling his cheeks begin to burn.

To hide himself he turned around and zipped closed his suitcase, pulling it off the bed right afterwards. Youngjo's suitcase was already ready to go, as the older was merely waiting for Hwanwoong to stop freaking out so they could leave.

Youngjo opened the door, being greeted with Keonhee just at the other side of it, hand hovering right over where the doorknob once was.

"Oh, hi." Keonhee smiled, backing up to give the couple room to exit. "I was just about to get you guys, cause I thought you said you should be leaving soon."

"Without knocking?" Xion's voice boomed from the living room, causing all eyes to turn to him as he stood from his place on the couch. "You have no idea what you could walk in on with them!"

"Xion!" Hwanwoong scolded with wide eyes, trying to get the younger to quit it. But the redness already started growing on his cheeks once more without permission.

Keonhee rolled his eyes. "Hwanwoong is too busy panicking about the flight and their luggage to do anything like that."

"I'm done." Hwanwoong scoffed, some playfulness being behind the action, though not a lot, as he turned to the entrance to start leaving. And he would've gotten pretty far if it weren't for Keonhee quickly grabbing his wrist, repeating sorry many different times in just a few seconds.

Hwanwoong spun around, pouting as he looked up to hold Keonhee's gaze. His pulled his wrist out of the tallers grip in order to cross his arms over his chest, but he couldn't stay annoyed forever with the cheeky smile that appeared both on Keonhee's and Xion's faces.

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