27: Long Time No See

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Hwanwoong was the first to get up out of bed, warning Youngjo to just stay put for the time being.

"Let me figure out what happened first, okay? Just stay here and listen through the door for all I care." Hwanwoong whispered in a hurry, grabbing his phone and making his way to said door. Hand on the handle he paused, turning back around to try and give a calming look. "Don't look at the door though, if it's Seoho he might be able to feel you looking through it." Another pause and he earned a reassuring, granted hesitant, nod from Youngjo. "I love you."

The older didn't get a chance to reply before Hwanwoong opened the door, stepped out, and softly closed it behind him. Youngjo waited on the bed for only a few moments before getting up, anxiety rushing throughout every system of his body. Being torn so quickly from the first time he's slept since being in the mirror world was quite disorientating. He was eventually able to reach the door and quietly listen, careful to adhere to Hwanwoong's words and not look directly at the door.

At first Hwanwoong was extremely confused after not seeing anyone standing near the entryway, expecting to be greeted when he came out of his room. Instead was just a silent house, which was unsettling given the previous noise.

"Hello?" Hwanwoong called out cautiously, taking hesitant steps through the living room.

And that was when he saw the hand on the ground, poking out from around the entryway half-wall. Hwanwoong's eyes widened and his steps quickened, finding that Seoho was once again on the ground. Except this time it seems like he really did pass out. It was obvious that he wasn't able to catch himself given the fact that his head was directly on the ground and the awkward position his body was laying in.

"Seoho?" Hwanwoong called out, taking a few steps closer, crouching to get on the olders level.

No response.

Hwanwoong reached out and put his hand on Seoho's, retracting it immediately from how cold it was. Now that he got a better look too, Seoho looked extremely pale. At least he seemed to be breathing.

Cautiously Hwanwoong moved his hand to press against the olders forehead, finding his temperature to still feel way colder than it should.

Hwanwoong took a heavy breath, unsure of what he was supposed to do. His eyes lingered back over to his closed door, then back to the passed-out male in front of him. Using his strength, Hwanwoong decided to at least roll Seoho over onto his back. After getting that far and still not receiving any sort of response from the older, Hwanwoong did admit that he felt a bit worried.

"Seoho?" Hwanwoong tried calling out again, sighing when there wasn't any movement or response.

He moved his arms to then try to manipulate Seoho's body into a sitting position, thinking that would maybe help him wake up. But no sooner did he get his hands on Seoho's shoulders did the olders eyes shoot open.

It startled Hwanwoong, physically jumping as he made eye contact with Seoho. His eyes seemed darker than normal, but that was probably because his skin looked so pale. There was a glistening look over them, foggiest evident in the way his eyes frantically darted around.

"Hey, are you okay?" Hwanwoong asked hesitantly, helping the older sit up since he started doing so anyways. He backed away slightly after he ensured Seoho wouldn't fall back over.

Seoho shook his head in response, staying seated with his back pressed against the same wall as the door. Slowly he began running a hand through his hair, then moved to rub his eyes, all without saying a word. He had this look of confusion plastered across his features, as well as a hint of fear. Hwanwoong merely stayed crouched in front of him, silently observing his actions.

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