25: You Have My Heart

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"Oh come on, I think you deserve way better than third place." Keonhee sassed after managing to swallow his food.

Hwanwoong shook his head with a sad smile on his face. "Well I'm thankful to just place anyways, cause I mean I wasn't even going in this aiming for a medal. And even if I didn't get something, that performance means more to me than any medal ever could."

Keonhee and something under his breath before he took another bite of his food. Whatever it was was obviously sassy from the eye roll and facial expression he made.

The group decided to eat out at some restaurant for a late lunch, early dinner type of thing. It took a while to calm Hwanwoong down, but they managed to find a quiet place where he could cry freely without judgment of strangers. Keonhee held the shorter in his arms for nearly twenty minutes, rocking him back and forth in a soothing manner. Leedo seemed to keep a hand on Hwanwoong's arm or knee, rubbing his thumb softly to show that he cared as well. Xion provided many hugs after Hwanwoong got out of Keonhee's grip, as well as reassuring words. And surprisingly enough, Hwanwoong took comfort in Seoho's arms as well, though only for a few minutes. His reasoning was along the lines of making amends, the proper start of healing. I can maybe learn to forgive, and that's a big ass maybe, but I will never forget.

Some time was spent with Hwanwoong explaining the meaning of the dance to everyone, just to get it out of his system. It would be a performance he would always remember, but he couldn't think too deeply into it now without the feeling of falling into a pit of despair following soon after each thought. With explaining it to his housemates, he could get out the remaining adrenaline from performing, and be able to then get his mind to focus on something else when he was done.

After that Xion touched up Hwanwoong's makeup, and the winners of the competition were announced.

Hwanwoong never once thought about taking home one of the prizes, especially given how last minute the decision of joining was, so ranking third in his section was actually kind of mind blowing, but still didn't change the meaning of the performance whatsoever. He wasn't the only one to win something either, Changmin and Juyeon got first place for the duet that they performed together, which Hwanwoong was way happier about than his own medal.

By that time the housemates all got pretty hungry, so they went to a restaurant closer to the hotel they were staying at, which was a fair distance from the venue the competition was held. It wasn't too busy, but they certainly weren't the only ones there either.

"I just can't get over how beautiful that dance was. And to think that you made that all completely from scratch is just so impressive to me." Xion commented excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat.

Leedo actually had to put his arm around the youngers shoulders to get him to sit still. Saying some comment under his breath about focusing on eating instead of acting like a child. To that Xion stuck out his tongue and shimmied out of his boyfriends hold. Only to then regret that decision and force Leedo to put his arm back around his shoulders.

Keonhee looked to his side, disgusted at the couple.

"How did I end up sitting next to this demon?" Keonhee questioned in a playful, but sarcastic tone.

Xion whipped his head in the other direction, eyes narrowed to a glare. Keonhee put his hands up in mock surrender before they both hesitantly returned to their food. Every once and a while side-eyeing one another.

On the other side of the table, Seoho and Hwanwoong both quietly observed the interaction. Without anyone talking to him specifically, Hwanwoong got lost in thought, reality striking that he lost his mirror-boy for good.

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