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~There is a small time skip from the previous chapter, this is a filler that takes place around episode 620, after the desserosa incident. I'll try not to spoil too much since this is just a filler from this arc <3~

All of you were still sailing to the next island, the sea was pretty steady with a nice constant wind to help move the boat along in the correct direction. It was a pretty chill day, you were sunbathing with the girls as the captain was napping since he ate way too much for lunch and it made him sleepy. Your wounds were pretty much healed at this point and you had finished prototyping your paralyzing blood bombs, you had Nami get you a belt that hung around your hips which would hold the bombs safely.

       Everything was silent other than the crashing of the waves on the side of the boat when there was suddenly a loud caw of a bird. The news coo was above and dropped papers from the skies, you watched pictures of your crew members fall from the sky. Your jaw dropped once you picked up your photo, it was you standing on the water. Your hair was slicked to parts of your face, your trident peering through the corner- nothing but ocean behind you. You gasped as you noticed how high everyone else's were too. 

      Luffy's bounty was increased to 500,000,000฿, Zoro's also increased to 320,000,000฿, Nami's was still at 66,000,000฿, Usopp's bounty was also still at 30,000,000฿, and Sanji's climbed up to 177,000,000฿. Grabbing more of the posters you organized them by putting them all flat on the ground and looked at the rest of the crew's bounties. Chopper's bounty was raised a little bit to 100฿, Robin's bounty increased quite a bit to 130,000,000฿, Franky's bounty increased to 94,000,000฿, and last but not least Brook's was raised to 83,000,000 ฿.

     You hugged yours to your chest to hide yours, not wanting the others to see. You felt embarrassed due to how high it actually was, you didn't want to upset everyone after seeing how happy they were for their increases. Everyone had crowded around by now and all of their eyes turned towards you, and you held against your body. Nami immediately ripped it from your arms, her jaw dropped as the paper slipped from her fingertips and floated to the ground. 

     "400,000,000 berries?!" Everyone's jaw dropped at the high number, Zoro's face looking more angry than shocked. You sweat-dropped as Luffy started howling with laughter saying something about how 'cool his girlfriend is'. A blush made its way onto your face as you started to stutter over a response.

     "Sea Traitor" You huffed at the name, their childish behavior annoyed you. You weren't a traitor, you never chose to join them in the first place. You smiled at the nice photo though, laughing at how Nami looked like she posed for hers.  Laughing the captain pulled you into his arms, happy that his namaka got their first bounty and it was the highest out of the rest of the crew. (Other than the captain's bounty of course)

       While everyone was celebrating loud noises of struggle were heard from where you guys had someone captured. His name was Caesar Clown and he was re-kidnapped by you guys after dealing with and escaping from Donquixote Doflamingo. You all ignored the captive male as you all entered the kitchen to eat the dinner that Sanji had prepared for everyone, the crew excited about their bounties. Zoro and Sanji were both slightly upset about how yours was higher than theirs, though they were still happy for you.

      When the celebrations were over you and Luffy were cuddled into each other in bed, on the verge of sleep when you turned so the two of you were face to face. Your hand rested on his cheek as he gave you a wide smile, a small laugh leaving his lips. You smiled and pressed your face into his chest as you started to fall asleep.

~time-skip to the middle of the night~

      Chopper, Franky, and Usopp were on guard while Law was asleep on the ship. The two who were 'on guard' were shaking in fear at the idea of the warlord coming after them. The sky became dark as clouds blocked the full moon, the light that was now missing the only light they had in the first place. Glowing green objects came pelting down onto the ship from the sky, Law, and Luffy jolting awake due to their kenbunshoku haki taking over. Luffy jolting upwards caused you to stir awake as well, his movement not very subtle. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Brook burst out of the room and lock eyes with Law. Usopp and Chopper held each other up against the wall they were leaning up against, fear evident on their faces. 

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