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Luffy of course was the last one to make it back, getting into a fight with one of the shopkeepers for eating something before paying- the usual. Everyone had shown up around 30 minutes ago, the sun is getting a little low. In a few hours, it would be dusk and you will all be eating around the table, but first, you have to deal with the trapped marine. Everyone respected Zoro's wish of letting the captain deal with it, the only person who bothered him was Nami asking if he had any money for her to 'borrow'.

Upon hearing that Zoro had trapped a marine in the infirmary the captain's jaw dropped to the floor as he started to undo the barricade that Zoro had built. When the door opened the marine was nowhere to be seen and the window was wide open. Everyone sweat-dropped at the idiotic plan and the crew decided that we should move the boat to a different part of the island for the evening to make it look like they had left already. The knife previously stuck in his hand was left on the ground with a small puddle of blood around it.

Knowing that we still needed at least one more full day for the log pose to reset, everyone decided that moving the ship to a more secluded part of the island would be the best to try and avoid any issues with the military. Your face paled at the thought that the admiral was on this small island, for what reason you don't know but happy that they hadn't tried to come and fight yet. The marine getting away was terrible though, since he seemed to know who you were, probably now going to tell everyone you were aboard their ship. The crew seemed unfazed by the mention of marines, although they were unaware of the logia-type user on the island.

As you, Nami, and Franky moved the Sunny to a different part of the island, Sanji was cooking dinner for everyone. Your nerves wouldn't calm down, still thinking about the interactions from earlier that day and how you needed to tell someone that an admiral was on the island. Your least favorite one at that. Wandering around the ship for Luffy, you found Zoro slumped in a corner, a bottle of sake threatening to fall from his hand. A small laugh left your lips as you continued looking for the raven-haired male, the first place you were going to check was the kitchen.

As soon as you opened the door the smell of food filled your nose, forcing yourself not to drool you scanned the room only to find no Luffy in sight. Deflating a bit at the missing captain you approached the blonde cook, "Sanji, have you seen Luffy anywhere?" The cook cocked his head to the side, a finger placed on his chin in thought.

"No, I haven't seen him since I came into the kitchen to start cooking." Nodding you make your way out of the kitchen, loving but also hating how huge this ship was. Once back on the top deck the lanky captain was fully spread out on the head of the Lion, completely asleep. You sweat-dropped and made your way over, shouting at the captain to wake him up. He abruptly shot up, wrapping his arms around the mane of the lion as he started to slip off the ship, laughing you ran over and helped pull him up as he pouted at the abrupt awakening.

"Luffy we need to talk." Your voice became a bit more serious, his face stern at your tone, and his eyebrows pushed together in focus and confusion at the sudden change of atmosphere. He sits down on the Sunny's head, pulling you down with him as you both sit criss-cross not letting go of your hand. He gives a small laugh as he looks into your eyes. The moment was sweet until he made a dumb face and stared at you dumbfounded.

"What are we talking about?" Smacking his head you glared at him and huffed rolling your eyes.

"There's an admiral on the island, my least favorite one." Your pupils dilated at the thought of the magma man and a scowl started to show on your face.

Cocking his head to the side Luffy looked at you confused, "Who?"

Rolling your eyes you looked at him with frustration and clasped your hands together in a loud 'clap'. "Akainu" The captain's eyes widen at the name as anger soon crosses his features, memories of the war returning to him. He growled and stood up rolling up sleeves that didn't exist and stomped away ready to fight. Chasing after him and trying to calm him down didn't do much but you managed to convince him to stay on the ship.

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